This guy needs to step down. And I mean now.

I realize that in Alaska, a state with a population of 723,000 and falling, one can’t expect everyone to be a Senator Warren or Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, some real kooks are going to get through. But I’ve known plenty of people from Alaska (they love their state), and Alaska can do better than this. Child abuse at a level so severe that it proves fatal is NEVER a “benefit” to society in any way:

And yet, Alaska Republican state Representative David Eastman (A pro-Putin MAGA) stunned his fellow lawmakers on Monday when he declared society benefits when children who are so badly abused die because there’s less financial cost to the state for their care. Per Alternet:

“In the case where child abuse is fatal, obviously it’s not good for the child, but it’s actually a benefit to society because there aren’t needed government services and whatnot over the whole course of that child’s life,” Rep. Eastman said (video below) during a hearing of the Judiciary Committee, as the Anchorage Daily News reports.

When pressed, he continued, saying, “Talking dollars, now you’ve got a $1.5 million price tag here for fatal child abuse victims. It gets argued periodically that it’s actually a cost savings because that child is not going to need any of those government services that they might otherwise you know, be entitled to receive and need based on, you know, growing up in this type of environment.”


It is a “net benefit to society” to pay $3 million in order to save the life of a child on death’s door. It means we’ve created a civilized, enlightened, and loving society. I do not want to be part of a country or state that doesn’t want to invest in saving the lives of children in abusive environments. I don’t make much money, but I would give up a portion of the tiny bit that I have in order to help a child being abused right now.

And I want no part of a country that sees a “benefit” if the abuse proves fatal. It is an abject failure, a loss, not just the loss of the life of the child, but WE lose when we fail to intervene soon enough. WE fail. We lose something far more valuable than dollars. We lose the right to claim any sort of enlightened ethic, our civic-sacred duty that we will protect the most fragile among us. That is what makes us strong. Even when we’re poorer, we’re actually richer both under natural law and God’s laws.

On a less important note, you’ll be shocked to know that Eastman is a pro-Putin MAGA:

On his personal Twitter page Eastman posted a video supporting this past weekend’s “Rage Against the War Machine,” an event allegedly for those opposed to U.S. supporting Ukraine over Russia’s illegal war against that sovereign nation. Notably in attendance at what has been suggested was a pro-Russia rally were Ron Paul, Jill Stein, Tulsi Gabbard, and Dennis Kucinich

Typical. Disgusting.

[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: MUCH LEFT ADO

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  1. What’s almost as infuriating as his fucked up beliefs is that this asshat will probably get re-elected. I saw this story earlier this week and there’s not exactly a huge push from his fellow asshat Republicans for him to resign.

  2. Ok, so a dead kid won’t be using 1.5 million of benefits. So what about the money they contribute to society, etc.? One presumes that if a kid is fatally beaten, they would have been a contributing member of society had they not been: it’s pretty much a given since most people are. Most people of working age work. They MAKE money for corporations, pay taxes, and contribute non-fungible bennies during their lifetimes. It is impossible to calculate what that now dead person would have pumped into society although I’m sure estimates can be made. Point is, a live kid would grow up and contribute.

    Yet another ‘pube makes yet another asinine utterance. Of course I’d be surprised to hear anything sensible exiting a ‘pube pie hole. Very shocked in fact.

  3. Any bets that the guy is a staunch foe of abortion rights?

    I mean, it fits the GOP profile: Support for the “child” developing in the uterus but crickets after it exits the mother’s body.

    (This is actually a bit heartless even for a “pro-life” GOPer–at least, to be so openly and blatantly spoken in public. We all know they feel that way but most of them tend to keep their more disgusting and reprehensible feelings far away from the public’s earshot.)

  4. Weird that the worst children grow up to be lying nazi child killers who seek public office. Somethings missing inside these arrogant, ignorant fascists…oh yeah…a heart.


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