Russia’s initial plan was to have tanks rolling through the streets of Ukraine’s Capitol Kyiv in a matter of days. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and his valiant army of professionals, bakers, bike messengers and just ordinary folk made sure that that...
We continue to make history this week as The Former Guy does what no former president in the history of this country has done, which is to undermine the sitting president of the United States in a time of...
Over at The never-Trumper David Frum is celebrating perhaps the first major defeat that Republicans in Congress have handed to their dear leader, when 101 House Republicans today joined with every Democratic Rep. to pass the $60B Ukraine...
An interesting day has dawned in America when the Kremlin knows more about the travels of top administration officials than we do. The White House verified John Bolton’s upcoming trip to Russia only after the Kremlin broke the news. Radio...
It must really suck to be Speaker Mike Johnson. Not that I feel the least bit sorry for him. Earlier I wrote about his face-plant in calling for a floor vote on impeaching DHS Secretary Mayorkas - and NOT...
"Nowhere to run to, baby, nowhere to hide." -- Martha and The Vandellas It fascinates me when people are riotously self destructive. We've all made bad decisions from time to time, that's why hindsight is 20/20. But Stuart Scheller, the...
Another beyond parody post hit Truth Social a few hours ago. Here, the stable genius reveals his vast ignorance of a great many things, all in one post. He doesn't know basic grammar and how to construct a sentence....
It seems former Trump suck-up, Trump CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is back in the news. Frankly I'd forgotten about him. So long ago I'd stopped thinking about him as a possible "rescue candidate" if Trump...
Donald Trump does not have a particularly expansive memory. While I know President Joe Biden is currently being scrutinized for having a few senior moments — which, considering the fact that he's 81 years old, shouldn't be surprising. But...
We can pretty much surmise that House Speaker-by-a-nose Kevin McCarthy promised the former Resident and current idiot drumpf to boot Reps. Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff off the House Intelligence Committee for their role as Impeachment managers, because he...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead