We are going to break ground here today, friends. I have an hypothesis to share and I'm sure I'm dead right about this. I'm equally sure that you're going to agree with me. And I'm also positive that you...
People are born with certain basic primal fears. Fear of falling is one of them, fear of the dark is another. Fear of public speaking is also a primal instinct that some people have, although not all. There are...
If you don't pay attention to RWNJ news you might not know Fox and others went to great effort to make a "spontaneous" visit to an Atlanta Chick-Fil-A this past Wednesday be an "organic" event. Just a spur of...
Alright class, we're going to start with a review. What are the Four Ds that Donald has to deal with? Desperation, Delusion, Dementia and Drugs. Very good. And not necessarily in that order, it varies. Tonight Trump did another...
Hello darkness our old friend, it's time to talk with you again. We need insight into one of the darkest corners of the known universe, namely the inside of Donald Trump's mind. What we know for a fact is...
We can thank President Joe Biden for his latest move on Thursday that will close the gaping "gun show loophole" by requiring tens of thousands of unlicensed gun dealers to conduct background checks. This is a huge step that...
I may be wrong about this, but I don't think so. It seems to me that the motto of the GOP controlled Arizona legislature is, When the heat is on, pull a d*ck move. Let's just go through it sequentially...
While Lauren Boebert has been cutting a campaign ad with her youngest son, her oldest, Tyler Boebert, 19, made an appearance in Garfield County Court today in connection with the car break-ins and property thefts he allegedly committed in...
The GOP standard bearer is gone mentally. Physically, he's not in the greatest shape, either, being morbidly obese (although he claims to "run fast" and loves "running through the course") but mentally the guy is losing it more and...
It's early Thursday morning at the time of this post. From what I can ascertain it was 1:30 a.m. when Trumpty Dumpty posted the rant that you're going to hear now. This was predicted. He's going to court on...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead