We are going to break ground here today, friends. I have an hypothesis to share and I’m sure I’m dead right about this. I’m equally sure that you’re going to agree with me. And I’m also positive that you will marvel, as do I, that no other news outlet seems to be talking about this when it’s as obvious as the nose on your face. Donald Trump does not want to go to court tomorrow. He went to unimaginable lengths to have this trial continued, no less than ten motions, and all of them were denied. Here was his first post of the day today.

The tweet ends, “the White House that cannot be allowed to go forward!” Clearly, the man is terrified. He has reason to be terrified, because this is one historical precedent that he’s setting which is likely to blow up in his face. Even MAGAs, those people who tell the rest of us that we’re suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, have been known to say that *if* their messiah ends up being criminally convicted in a court of law that it would influence their opinion. And if there is, in fact, anybody sitting on the fence about how they will vote in November at this point, then certainly a criminal conviction would likely sway that voter to vote for Biden. So is that what has Trump all in a tizzy?

No. I’m going to tell you what Trump is flipping out over. Are you ready? Going to trial four days a week is like going to a job and you’re talking about a man who never had a job — not as you and I construe that term. For the yous and mes, a job is where you suit up and show up five days a week, starting in the morning, going until late afternoon. Or, maybe it’s a night or graveyard shift, but you show up for eight hours, five days a week, week after week. Trump has never done that.

When he was in the White House he used to roll into the Oval Office at 11:30 a.m. He can’t do that tomorrow or for the next six to eight weeks. He needs to be there at 9:30 a.m., in his seat and stay there until 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. This is like going to prison for him. He can’t play golf, he can’t screw around and do what he wants to. He needs to be in court.

This is why he’s going insane. I truly believe that I’ve hit on something here. When the Trump Organization fraud trial took place (or the E. Jean Carroll trial) those were civil matters and so he could send his lawyers. But this is a criminal trial and he has to be present in court. This is what’s driving him out of his mind. As litigious as Trump is, he’s always had the lawyers handle everything. Now he’s a defendant in a criminal case and is forced to play by a set of rules which is completely foreign to him.

Remember, we’re dealing with a toddler here. Donny does what Donny wants to do. When he wants to play golf, he golfs. When he wants to eat a hamberder, he eats. When he wants to watch TV, he watches. He doesn’t have those options. The judge will determine what people focus on, when to break, and for how long. Trump can’t just go outside and watch TV on his phone or tweet. He does not have those options.

The sublime irony here is that the trial itself is a form of incarceration. This trial is going to be a living hell for Trump. Trials are that, by their very nature, but not for the reason that it will be sheer hell for Trump. Most people, habitual criminals included, have had the discipline to be able to sit in one place and focus on one thing seven, eight hours a day with a meal break. Not so with Donald.

This trial isn’t just the means to an end, it’s an end in and of itself. It’s already been predicted that this case will finally be decided in an appellate court because it involves not only a state violation of falsifying business records but a federal violation of campaign funds, and so all that is expected to be sorted out at the appellate level. And most likely that is what will happen. So it may be a while before an actual sentence is handed down to defendant Trump.

But for the moment, he’s already serving a sentence. His sentence begins tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. in Manhattan and will continue four days a week for the next six to eight weeks. It is driving Trump insane that he has to show up for this trial. Simply banana screaming bonkers insane.

So expect more crazy social media posts — at least while Truth Social is still up and running. Tomorrow is also another day on the stock market and the platform is expected to tumble further as it reaches its eventual destination in insolvency. Then Trump will have to grovel to Elon Musk and that will make him crazy as well.

This is all very satisfying. And the satisfaction is only going to get more and more profound as Hope Hicks testifies, as Michael Cohen testifies, as David Pecker testifies, Stormy Daniels, all of them.

Will Trump violate his gag order? Will Trump be held in contempt of court, fined, and possibly jailed? These are all possibilities. Monday the 15th of April will be a great day for America because starting tomorrow, the chickens are coming home to Trump world to roost. Or maybe we should say the ducks, since the most famous avian cartoon character is also named Donald.


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  1. Wonderful piece and I agree! Though he doesn’t have to be there Monday for the jury selection. Strictly speaking, that is a pre-trial process and he is only required to be there every damn second of the trial proper which probably won’t begin until Tuesday at the earliest. I’m looking forward to what his extreme discomfit + vexation + resentment + anger produces in the way of outrageous behaviour. I hope it lands him in the courthouse jail for a few nights.

    • My understanding is that jury selection will take a while, eg many days, a few weeks possibly. Donald may want to be there just to scowl at judge and jurors and watch what his ambulance chasers do, but he doesn’t have to be there. The longer his 3rd rate lawyers can drag out the selection process, the longer Donald can remain free to fill his days and nights with media rants and paranoia.

      • He won’t be able to keep his mouth shut and it’ll all be nonsensical, conspiracy-laden and hateful. He’ll be held in contempt of course, but will his inability to comply—even if he’s jailed for it—make a mistrial possible?

  2. I think you’re on to something. I’ll add a thought of my own. And it’s funny as hell to think about. Suppose Trump decides he just HAS to have a day off, say to duck over to Bedminster and get in some golf. And bask in some ass kissing from whomever is around. His lawyers (and the judge will have warned him yet again that acting up could get him kicked out of the courtroom so imagine his surprise not being about to leave the courthouse! The bailiff will lead him to a room (I’m sure one is set up – the jury deliberation room would be perfect) with a TV that will have ONLY a live feed and a way to communicate in real time with his lawyers. No cell phone. A bailiff will be there to monitor him. No breaks unless everyone else is getting one including to use the bathroom. They can even have camping port a potty toilet in there. Now THAT would be priceless.

    • The Bayliff will be a big strong tough guy with tears coming from his eyes and say “Sir I’m sorry they are treating you this way you are the best president the world has ever seen. How do you do it, being treated so horribly? You are our Savior”

  3. I am unsure of the American system as I’m an Aussie, but does your court system allow cell phones in the courtroom? Perhaps he is panicked about that, too, if your rules forbid them – he does not know what to do with himself if he cannot post on social media!

      • Well, except for when the Judge decides he needs his cell phone on his desk for reasons. You know, like in the Kyle Rittenhouse case?

        To an extent, they’re not actually barred from being physically in the court room; they just need to be put on “silent” mode.

  4. “The sublime irony here is that the trial itself is a form of incarceration.”


    He might as well start getting used to it.

  5. There is NOTHING standing between Trump and incarceration if he continues his rants against named Judges and DA’s … getting up and appearing in the morning will be easy when a big guard comes into his cell and yanks the mattress off his bed as he whines about miss- treatment.

    Also, there is NO privacy in a jail, there may be many other people there in their own jambs and old holding cells are adjacent to each other with open bars for walls and stainless steel potties on the brick walls with no partitions between them …

    More likely Trump will be put into an over-night cell, there could be individual 6X9 foot cells available for that … Trump is too important to completely isolate, there may be 24-7 closed circuit cameras watching everything he does, the SS detail would take turns on the monitors, letting them away from his, well-known body odor …

    Trump will welcome regular prison, regular hours, 3-meals a day but no hamberders …

    In our jail here in town, it sits atop the County Court House, if an inmate gets rowdy and throws his meals at the hall guards, the, “Cook”, will put his breakfast in a blender and pour it into an unbreakable plastic mug …

    One way or the other, Trump’s freedom will be a thing of the past, and I fully believe he may collapse from the tedium of court appearances, take an optional plea of guilty, and move to pay funds he does NOT have to give … With guppy lips, swimming through his own sweat shaking like a leaf in a grade 4 tornado, Trump’s businesses gone, no more outlets for his pent-up rants of self-importance, NO photo ops — OUCH!!

    • Overnight cell or if the jail/prison warrants such a thing, and isolation cell. I kind of figure that is what he’ll get if he does get a prison sentence anyway. Much as I like for him to be buggered three times a day and four on Sundays by big Bubba, he is not going to be put in such a situation. Of course this is if he gets to have his SS detail after being a convicted felon. Not sure if that is allowed at present or if it is even covered anywhere in our laws. If it isn’t, a democrat controlled house and senate can remedy such a thing with a democrat prez to sign it. Oh, and make sure it is retroactive.

  6. his famous attention problems will get to him. if he has to be there early how early does he have to get up to do the hair and make up?

  7. Trump has nobody to blame but himself, of course he would never do that, we can only hope that this will snap all those who have drank the kool-aid out of this insane Trumpwashing

  8. Jo
    🎶Lullaby, and good night,
    You’re a sad fucking sight.
    Rotting flesh, orange skin,
    Pools of drool cover your chin.
    Can’t stay up, like Stormy said,
    About your weird toadstool head.


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