Alright class, we’re going to start with a review. What are the Four Ds that Donald has to deal with? Desperation, Delusion, Dementia and Drugs. Very good. And not necessarily in that order, it varies. Tonight Trump did another rally, this time in Pennsylvania. He stumbled several times and didn’t even bother to try his usual double down or save. He just literally “went up” which is a term of art in the theater, that actors use to describe simply forgetting their lines. Good actors figure out a way to regroup or recover, bad actors do this.

“They” may have “zero drug problem” but we can’t say that about you. Aye aye aye aye aye. And it not only gets worse, but steeply so.

If you listened to that bottom clip right at the end, when he mentions Melania, you can hear somebody yell out, “Where’s she at?” Home washing her cat, or whatever glamorous women do on a Saturday night when the man they’re married to is out of town and they’re glad of it.

“We have no steel,” Trump says, in a state which is renowned for manufacturing that very thing.

And here Trump is with both the Big Lie and his faux Xian martyrdom.

Prisons in Africa, folks. That’s where the hoards of migrants that are registered on the spot to become Democratic voters are coming from. The fact that a single living soul is stupid enough to listen to this is odd, the fact that 73 million living souls were stupid enough to vote for this POS in 2020 haunts my dreams.

There’s much more but the you get the gist of it all.

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  1. If we, (All of us are having questions in our mind about a mere 73 million dorks) existing in our Country, to think of that staggering number, spread across our homeland means every State in the union MUST begin house cleaning … Here in Iowa, the Governor has been in lockstep with the crooked Republicans in our local Government, who have written laws to cancel Democrat participation in State-wide functions … The rules laid out a future for total GOP controls of everything, our, (smiling for the cameras), Governor, publicly signed this charge against Democracy …

    We have less and less say about the future in Iowa … There is one Democrat left in Iowa’s higher offices as the push of these freaks of the GOP, along with a useless Governor, are poised to cancel virtually anything positive about our State …

    This man, his last name is easy to remember, SAND, Has done so much good at tracking and stopping Republican losers, that they are anxious to remove him from the office of The Iowa State Auditor, who with their new rules can hide their wrong doing from his office when he calls for records of their activities and actions against Iowa State …

    He is up for re-election, and since those a-hole Republicans almost got him out last election, along with our really good Iowa State DA, a Democrat who has kept us safe and happy for several years voted out, because HE had the audacity to enforce the rules against GOP big money …

    Alas, the sneaky plots and actions coming out of our Governor’s office, fine tuned to a reckless and flawed GOP, who are making giant steps to keep up with the National freak show in the SCOTUS and worthless Republicans in our House and Senate … A fine mess by any standard …

  2. Ya know, fact-checking Trump is more than a full-time job, but sometimes I enjoy it because it is very easy and I learn a lot for myself. I found out that China has, unsurprisingly, a significant drug problem. It has strong laws against drug sales and, on paper, if you are caught with more than 50 grams, you face the death sentence (shooting). But, in practice, you are not executed until you are convicted of more than 1 kilo. Otherwise, China would spend all day executing people.* But, of course, the facts don’t matter, only a good story matters!


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