It’s early Thursday morning at the time of this post. From what I can ascertain it was 1:30 a.m. when Trumpty Dumpty posted the rant that you’re going to hear now. This was predicted. He’s going to court on Monday and it is driving him nuts. Well, okay, he’s already nuts. It’s taking him to yet another level of psychosis. He made an effort to have this court trial postponed ten times and he could not achieve that. So he’s furious at his lawyers, he’s furious at the world and he’s taken to social media to get it out of his system. Heeeeeere’s Donny!

Highly respected legal scholars like who? John Eastman? He just got disbarred. Eastman, comically, is appealing the decision of the court and would you believe that he’s gotten character references from Matt Gaetz and Marge Greene? If those are the best people you can find, I would hate to see who you came up with if you were scraping the bottom of the barrel.

And I loved how Trump ended this opus: “We’re going to win, we’re going to win big, we’re gonna go through these horrible Biden trials and at the end everybody’s going to come out and vote for Trump.” So there. Ha ha on you. Boy, will you be sorry. You’re really gonna get it now.

The man sounds not only like a complete moron but like an utter child. And I’m sure Trump would not have stopped at “bullshit” if he thought he could have gotten away with dropping F-bombs. There’s no doubt in my mind but that he drops F-bombs all day. He and Melania both, just on different tops. She F-bombs Creesmuss, he covers every other topic under the sun.

But here’s where it gets comical. This is from earlier today. He demands immunity for presidents. Okay, Donny. You’ve got it. But then that voids your argument about Joe Biden coming after you. Whut? See, this is the part that he’s too ditzy to grasp.

Less than twelve hours between these two clips, but Trump can’t see the utter fallacy and contradiction of them. I wonder if the people in his campaign even bother to try to explain these things to him or if they’ve simply given up.

Is your head spinning yet? This is literally how stupid his argument is.

Bear in mind, friends, it’s only Thursday. This will get crazier over the weekend. There is one thing you can count on with Trump. He is predictable. He’s only got so many plays and he is going to be complaining and blustering and going off the walls today, tomorrow, and over the weekend.

And Monday will be a howler. That much is guaranteed. He’s never *had* to be in court. He’s had civil trials in the past and he can have his lawyers represent him and only show up if and when he feels like an appearance might do him some good. That’s not the rule book here. This is a criminal trial. He is compelled to be there. And he is compelled to keep his mouth shut. This is potentially explosive. I wonder how weird it will actually get?


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  1. Keep thinking the stupidity barrel that is trump will show its bottom-surely it must??? And yet it is approaching the depth of the Marianna Trench f.f.s.

    As soon as the s.c. gives the green light for prez total immunity, I sure as shit hope President Biden takes advantage of it and throws this waste of skin behind bars permanently. One would think all the morons who think donny dimwit has all this immunity would also realize President Biden would also have it right? I think perhaps they don’t. My, that would…will…be a delightful bite in the ass for them.

    • I want Biden to toss every right-winger off the Supreme Court when/if the Court grants “total immunity.”
      Then, he can clean out Congress, removing all the batsh*t insane GOPers. Then, he can institute martial law over every GOP-controlled state.

  2. “One would think all the morons who think donny dimwit has all this immunity would also realize President Biden would also have it right?”

    I’ve been thinking a lot about how the SC could rule in the immunity issue, and am reading Smith’s brief and the historians’ amicus brief.

    SC: We rule that no president has total immunity unless it is for all actions taken to preserve free & fair elections, the bedrock principle of our democracy.


  3. President Biden…are you sincere about saving the planet? about voting rights? about human rights? about the economy? about everything that has to do with social justice? If the corrupt Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for all his crimes…then go commando and arrest everyone that had to do with the insurrection, the fake electors, etc. Immediately reestablish truth in the media, rescind the laws giving corporations the right to avoid taxes and responsibility for their actions, and a hundred other actions to stop fascists in America. Clean out the rapist, the religious cult member and the grifter off of the Supreme Court. In other words, do unimaginable GOOD with the power to the degree you can imagine the EVIL TRUMP WOULD DO IF HE STEALS THE NEXT ELECTION. Hey we dropped the atom bomb on two civilian cities to end WW2 in the pacific, so don’t be timid or a coward.

  4. On a lighter note to all of this batshit craziness, as I was watching the first video above, there was a Dick’s (the sporting goods company) advertisement playing just below the orange menace. Appropriate…dick!


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