Like a 50's rock station, the hits just keep on coming to Donald Trump, and it's not even noon. James Clyburn chairs the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. He displayed a chart comparing European countries, where the...
I just love it when news arises of Trumpty Dumpty getting piqued as he continues to fall, fall, fall, from a great wall. He's not only lost the election, but he's evidently losing his mind, calling up Georgia officials and...
This is not normal, even in the exaggeratedly bizarre world that we call Normal Life circa 2020 in the age of Trump. HHS spokesperson Michael Caputo went into meltdown Sunday night on Facebook. He subsequently deleted the video, but Yahoo...
Just another speechless-rendering moment in Trump world. Off in the corner I can hear Rod Serling laughing, "My God! I could always find the passage to the Twilight Zone in the normal. I had no idea that the normal...
This should be interesting. One of the kind of neat ancillary benefits of the way that the DNC chose to populate the stages for the early debates is that it's a new show every week. In choosing the rosters...
Fools of a feather flock together. Game show host Chuck Woolery is spreading conspiracy theory to help Donald Trump and Trump happily retweeted it to his flock. I guess it's a question of whether America wants to believe that game...
Don't go out tonight, you're bound to lose your life. There's a bad moon on the rise.   Credence Clearwater Revival Look, y'all know me. And if there's one thing you know, it's that I don't bullshit. I may throw bullshit...
I can't see either of the Bushes or Reagan doing this. Nixon might have thought it, but he never would have said it, unless he was really drunk. Listen to Donald Trump, drunk on vainglory, per usual, admonishing his...
Gerald Ford's life was never the same after he stumbled on the steps of Air Force One and then Chevy Chase conveyed the image into everybody's living rooms and psyches. Today, Mike Pence joins Ford in the pantheon of...
Yesterday. All my troubles seemed so far away. Now I need a place to hide away   The Beatles   Yesterday It's pure music to my ears. Over the last 7-10 days I've been hearing it more and more on both MSNBC...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead