Like a 50’s rock station, the hits just keep on coming to Donald Trump, and it’s not even noon. James Clyburn chairs the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. He displayed a chart comparing European countries, where the virus is contained, to the United States, where the virus is surging and called out Trump’s administration for its ineptitude. That, of course, incensed Trump, who then picked up his tweet box so he could show this uppity congressman a thing or two.

Now, about that praiseworthy testing effort: Vanity Fair is reporting that in March, three weeks after the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, a purchase of 3.5 million tests for an amount owed of $52 million was made to a client noted as “WH” and one million were delivered. The delivery, curiously, was not made to the White House, but rather to the embassy of the United Arab Emirates. But that becomes not so curious a fact when you find out that Jared Kushner was behind it.

The secret, and legally dubious, acquisition of those test kits was the work of a task force at the White House, where Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and special adviser, has assumed a sprawling role in the pandemic response. That explains the “WH” on the invoice. While it’s unclear whether Kushner himself played a role in the acquisition, improper procurement of supplies “is a serious deal,” said a former White House staffer. “That is appropriations 101. That would be not good.”

Though Kushner’s outsized role has been widely reported, the procurement of Chinese-made test kits is being disclosed here for the first time. So is an even more extraordinary effort that Kushner oversaw: a secret project to devise a comprehensive plan that would have massively ramped up and coordinated testing for COVID-19 at the federal level.

Yes, Virginia, there was a time when there was “an aggressive and ambitious national testing plan.” It’s not just a myth. And Jared Kushner, and his pals from college, comprised a vaunted “impact team” described as a “frat party descended from a UFO.”

Kushner believes that he is some kind of bureaucratic Jedi knight, imbued with remarkable powers of leadership coupled with philosophical insight. “I learned very early on that when you try to work around an existing government structure, it rarely works. You have to take the machinery that exists and empower it rather than recreate it.” And here’s another one, “The president also instructed me to make sure that I break down every barrier needed to make sure that teams can succeed,” Jared is our life coach, empowering us in our hour of need — in his head.

So Jared and the other Hardy Boys set about coordinating a national oversight system for supplies like masks, test kits, and the establishment of a widespread virus surveillance  system. It’s been described as “not rocket science” and likened to a system such as Fedex or UPS, which only work as well as they do because all the dots are connected.

The deadline on this project was supposed to be the fall. But the plan just “went poof into thin air” and instead we got “miles-long lines of cars in scorching Arizona and Texas heat, their drivers waiting hours for scarce diagnostic tests, and desperate Sunbelt mayors pleading in vain for federal help.” So where did the best laid plans of mice and boys go astray? They worked “around the clock, and through a forest of WhatsApp messages,” but today America is looking at “a series of rebound epidemics that are highly consequential in a really deleterious way,” to quote Dr. Rajiv Shah, of the Rockefeller Foundation. That’s simple. Countries who have contained the virus have empowered scientists to take control, and we’ve got Jared and his frat brothers. And that’s where it all, predictably, and inexorably, went south.

The group’s collective lack of relevant experience was far from the only challenge it faced. The obstacles arrayed against any effective national testing effort included: limited laboratory capacity, supply shortages, huge discrepancies in employers’ abilities to cover testing costs for their employees, an enormous number of uninsured Americans, and a fragmented diagnostic-testing marketplace.

According to one participant, the group did not coordinate its work with a diagnostic-testing team at Health and Human Services, working under Admiral Brett Giroir, who was appointed as the nation’s “testing czar” on March 12. Kushner’s group was “in their own bubble,” said the participant. “Other agencies were in their own bubbles. The circles never overlapped.”

Nevertheless, a plan was in fact cobbled together to coordinate distribution of test kits, do contact-tracing, antibody testing, all of the sane things that the South Koreans or the Italians or anybody else who’s gotten a handle on the virus have done. But the plan “went poof” just as the coronavirus was supposed to go poof, because an analysis was made that blue states, being the most populous, were going to be the hardest hit, and that single fact gave Trump room for pause.

But the effort ran headlong into shifting sentiment at the White House. Trusting his vaunted political instincts, President Trump had been downplaying concerns about the virus and spreading misinformation about it—efforts that were soon amplified by Republican elected officials and right-wing media figures. Worried about the stock market and his reelection prospects, Trump also feared that more testing would only lead to higher case counts and more bad publicity. Meanwhile, Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House’s coronavirus response coordinator, was reportedly sharing models with senior staff that optimistically—and erroneously, it would turn out—predicted the virus would soon fade away.

Against that background, the prospect of launching a large-scale national plan was losing favor, said one public health expert in frequent contact with the White House’s official coronavirus task force.

Most troubling of all, perhaps, was a sentiment the expert said a member of Kushner’s team expressed: that because the virus had hit blue states hardest, a national plan was unnecessary and would not make sense politically. “The political folks believed that because it was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy,” said the expert.

That logic may have swayed Kushner. “It was very clear that Jared was ultimately the decision maker as to what [plan] was going to come out,” the expert said. [emphasis added]

So Trump decided early on to politicize the coronavirus, and you knew that. He’s never pretended to be a president for all the people, never even given lip service to it, as other presidents have in the past. And Jared Kushner decides who lives and who dies, in a nutshell. Not that that would be a novel situation. This is the man who headed to Saudi Arabia, with Michael Flynn, and Steve Bannon, to sell nuclear start up kits. This is the man who said that Mohammad bin-Salman had “made missteps” but “was a good ally.” Oh, yes, we seem to recall that tiny faux pas where MBS had that journalist hacked up with a bone saw in the embassy.

What Trump or Kushner or the rest of them failed to foresee, apparently, because they were politically and not scientifically or medically motivated, is that red states might be less populous, but with the anti-masking movement in full swing, they were going to be hard hit. And we are now living to see the fruits of that prediction. Trump is killing his own people. How many need to die before they wake up?

The wheels can’t come off this decrepit and corrupt wagon fast enough. This family needs to be run out of town on a rail.




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    • I’m not, simply because Trump has such a tiny mind, that all he can conceive of is what will benefit him. If people die, who cares? That only becomes a consideration if and when it starts to affect him personally — and that is now the case. But he’s who he is and he will continue this talking point about testing, and his talking point about mail-in voting fraud and that’s all we’re going to hear. You notice, sadly, that there’s no more discussion of the bounties on American soldiers? I blame the media for dropping that ball.

        • You’re probably correct. One of the dirty (and open if you look) secrets about Afghanistan and war there going back decades is the role of the drug trade (which generates more revenue in that country than anything else and therefore has a network of people used to dealing with large sums of illicit money) in getting things done. While not readily so there have been times when we too have utilized the drug lords to help us attain certain outcomes over there. They are a remarkably pragmatic people in some important ways. Fiercely proud to be sure. But there’s an old saying in that part of the world that in effect goes “You can’t buy an Afghan’s loyalty but you can rent it.” And sometimes we’ve covertly rented the “loyalty” of the drug lords there and shining a spotlight on the drug trade in Afghanistan means we would wind up, if only on the edges be illuminated too.

          Never forget that while our media sometimes takes this administration to task just as it did Bush 43, it is corporate to the core and especially with this administration which could wind up making Nixon’s (when it comes to his own wars with the media) look normal. It can be dangerous enough to be a journalist in that part of the world and our international relations are already so badly damaged the protections (such as they’ve been) of being a western journalist are already weakened. A mafia style “You’re reporters will need to be extra careful overseas if you keep talking about this” would be about all it would take to get major media outlets (not just in the U.S.) to dial down on the issue.

      • Once again, the metaphor of Jaws seems to apply here, Ursula. The second it gets is the second the guys in charge here care.

        • On the one hand, I understand it, because we are deluged in this administration with stories. It’s like an avalanche every day. You just deal with what portion of it that you can. But on the other hand, there really isn’t a bigger story beyond Trump allowing Putin to put bounties in U.S. soldiers. This really needs to be revived.

      • To paraphrase author Frederick Forsyth in The Devil’s Alternative (when a fictional President was faced with either immolating a supertanker with a U.S. warship and killing the innocent crew along with the terrorists or having two airline hijackers creatively assassinated after the terrorists had seen them seemingly “safe” in Israel where they’d have given a press conference the next day – the President complained that whichever option he chose men would die) that politicians have little concern over the loss of life – as long as they can’t be seen publicly as having anything to do with it.

        Actually, I have a darker and even CT territory view of the whole thing. Back then when it was seemingly a “blue state problem” and/or a mostly city problem (with so many people close together) or in rural areas places like meat & agricultural workplaces that employed mostly immigrants Team Trump led by Eichman’s clone Stephen Miller made a conscious choice. They figured that while inevitably some of their own voters would die, far more Democratic voters (especially since poor people and African Americans were more susceptible) would die and give Trump and the GOP a huge advantage. Because the actual dead and gravely ill folks would discourage others like them from going to the polls and therefore all those white folks in less densely populated areas (which not at all coincidentally have many more polling places where social distancing could be maintained and STILL not force people to take more than a half-hour to vote!) would see a significant increase in their share of the vote.

        I have no trouble at all imagining Miller having a long chat (NO memos or emails – just discussion) and then the two of them having a get together with Trump himself and choosing to engage in a planned genocide. Trump after all hates seeing anyone write ANYTHING down. Given how advanced the GOP’s voter suppression already had become, and given how thoroughly this administration has gutted federal agencies that should have been able to work on this it wouldn’t be at all difficult to throw sand in the right gears to engineer such a thing.

        I’ve been hesitant to make this claim for some months now both because I (stupidly) hoped there was a chance it wouldn’t get as bad as it’s gotten (I figured on bad but it’s worse and headed for worse still) and also as a CT nutjob. But I’d ask anyone who thinks that to take a few minutes and consider the timeline, what has and has not been done and how, if they wanted to use this virus as another tool in the voter suppression toolbox and hang on to both the Presidency and the Senate they’d go about it. And then ask yourself if Trump, especially with Miller whispering in his ear and Kushner on board because someday he’ll be as bad as Trump (or worse) if not checked would care one bit about the murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans to hold on to power. All three of them are narissistic sociopaths.

      • Why, P J? After the Federalist op-ed yesterday, NOBODY’S got any reason to hold back on Trump or Jared now. The calculation is if they get in front of it enough, maybe they can salvage something from this fiasco.

    • Then your nervous system still works better than mine, Blue. Not a jot of this even makes my pulse stutter because I always knew some version of this story was what happened.

  1. IF we did NO testing at all, how likely do you think it would be that Herr Gropinfuhrer would have been infected by now?

    • Zero testing would be zero problem, by his reckoning. As I’ve said, just don’t open your bills and you can keep all your money, because you don’t owe anybody. Alas, the landlord or the bank will ruin this dream soon enough, but Trump doesn’t think that way.

      • Somehow, with the demon seed in the WH, there IS only room for states of Trump ignorance to prosper … he says it, watches for the height of confusion, unrest and out right horror … then he writes a couple tweerps showing himself leaning in that direction as the dictator he REALLY wants to be, kicks some ass on the freedom demonstrators with Barr’s special secret police, then when the stench of Barr and Trump’s attacks on the poor, the dead and dying people of color, above all else, and his incredible stupidity, he hears just the amount of semi-factual releases of the red-laden US map of Virus states, has someone draw a crayon diagram where all the Blue states/large cities are so he can direct Barr to send storm troopers in there to, “HELP”, with their mismanagement of everything looters and those irritating sign waivers

        … all to keep the unrest and his personal drivel front and center of any investigations and reality posts about his past and his total losing it at every turn … his fragile position now should be a REAL worry, BUT I think the GOP can start to smell the fires in their coat closets in their offices in the Senate offices … all those old plans of action carefully folded up and placed in those coats they wear to the KKK meetings with the turtle of just say NO …

        A LOT of hits are going to rain in now with the Mar-o-golf center for appreciation of aspiring high school cheerleaders and their younger sisters … with all the highly detailed photos of Trump with even videos of him AND Epstein drooling over the dancing girls AND GM right there with them, my god, Trump has botched so many photo ops, rants and with the increase in bobbled words, and freaking face flushing fear, the hallway encounters with stupid Congress people gives them a chance to show a personal example of true fear … Pandemic/Trump collapse/Barr above the Law and Constitution/McConnell antics threatening ALL the GOP along with loose associations with Trump himself … EGADS

        NOT any affects from the Putin bounties? Shouldn’t ALL the Congress critters be concerned and working on censure of Russia at every level with their continued attacks on our elections?

        The crews out there with their cool little ditties ripping Trump, has to keep trump a few pounds over normal blood pressure, and elevated pulse rates, I think his quack docs are feeding him some thing pretty strong, and because he IS so hyper, it goes a little high literally, slurred words and momentary escapes to nonsense …

        Better duck quick when you here the big one coming, Mother Earth cleared her throat the other morning … really getting pissed with Trump’s antics …


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