I just love it when news arises of Trumpty Dumpty getting piqued as he continues to fall, fall, fall, from a great wall. He’s not only lost the election, but he’s evidently losing his mind, calling up Georgia officials and declaring, “And the real truth is I won by 400,000 votes at least. That’s the real truth. Everyone’s going to look very good if the truth comes out.”

Nobody can find the 400,000 votes. Nobody can even find the 11,800 that he’s begging for. Nobody can find any evidence of widespread fraud and this is after counting the ballots three times.

The truth is starting to get to Trump very bigly. The Lincoln Project is one of Trump’s arch nemeses and apparently the needling that they did in one of their recent ads piqued him a bit more than usual, because he decided to do a cease-and-desist letter — until he was talked out of it.

Here’s the ad, if it has slipped your mind.

Poor Trumpty Dumpty. He’s falling off a wall and down a rabbit hole and at the end there will be Leticia James with a big frying pan and a whisk waiting to make a prison omelette out of him. What’s a poor egg to do?


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  1. He doesn’t realize that you don’t have to ‘find votes’, they are all already there, as cast and recorded.

    They just have to be counted.

    And they’ve been counted repeatedly and you lost, loser.

    • It’s intriguing that he won’t give up. After listening to the Washington Post audio of his call with the officials in Georgia yesterday, I’m now thinking that he’s got himself deluded that he actually won. This is bad. I thought before that he was just bullshitting everybody. Now I think he believes what he says about winning and that’s a scarier proposition.

      • It’s because his sycophants and enablers tell him what he wants to hear. He’s no different than his supporters – he hears a lie repeated often enough that he now believes it. I still can’t believe this low IQ, socio-psycopathic narcissist was ever elected President.


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