Gerald Ford’s life was never the same after he stumbled on the steps of Air Force One and then Chevy Chase conveyed the image into everybody’s living rooms and psyches. Today, Mike Pence joins Ford in the pantheon of clumsy Republicans who can’t walk on ramps. Seriously.

Rampophobia is going to become the new GOP gauntlet. If you want to run for office on their ticket, you’re going to have to attend Ramp Etiquette 101, and demonstrate an ability to dominate the battlefield that the ramp imposes. There will be an advanced course on umbrellas and ramps.

And Pence did this WITH handrails. That was Trump’s gripe at West Point, that there “were no handrails and it was like a skating rink.”

And then there’s this jewel. Remember this?

Another GOP legend is born.

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  1. It’s impossible not to laugh. Even though I think laughing at disabled people is mean, at the least. But it’s the general attitude of the admin that takes it over the top.

  2. Was he trying to chew gum at the same time? Maybe tiny tot told him to take a fall that deflects from his own old man trying to walk on ice routine.

  3. ‘This is still my fave … it sums him up as a president and a person’

    And NOBODY told him about it. All those people saw it and said nothing to him.

    Their silence speaks volumes.

    • That was (and still is) the best part for me. OF COURSE the Secret Service guys saw it, and aides nearby. I can see the aides being afraid to say anything – the old “kill the messenger” fear. But the Secret Service guys see everything, and their job is to protect the President and not just physically. Frankly, I think he’s been dismissive and downright abusive to them from the get-go and when the agents right freaking there saw that shit (or shit paper, whatever) stuck to his shoe they thought “fuck it – let him make a fool out of himself” and probably even hoped the stuff would stick all the way up the steps which it did!

  4. It’s hard to get mad at Mike Pence. He isn’t always boasting that he’s a superman, and h probably won’t talk about it for 14-plus minutes in his next speech.

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