Forewarned is forearmed   14th century Latin proverb So, you thought that with the Epstein moon once again circling Alpha Trumpori 1, we had finally reached the depths of the depravity of the Trump administration? Well, as Bachman-Turner-Overdrive used to warble,...
Pictures do say it all sometimes, so there's no need for a thousand words, just look. Are we, as a nation, going to go ridin' with Biden or are we going to continue to slump with Trump? As the primaries progressed,...
Donald Trump is a very busy man. Here's his official calendar for this week, from Axios. President Trump’s schedule, per a White House official: Monday: Trump will sign an executive order on Hiring American. He will also have lunch with Vice President...
I know Trump is an idiot. You know he's an idiot. Incompetent buffoon, racist, traitor, and that's just from the last few days. But it seems like every few days, we find out something new and horrifying about the orange Nazi shitbag,...
Of all of the false virtues ascribed to the simulacrum in chief, none is so woefully pathetic to the point of hilarity, as the deification of Holy Man Trump. He is the Orange Sun God who never goes out...
It's another swell day at Trump reelection headquarters. The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute got wind of a new grifting scheme on the part of Donald Trump and the RNC involving commercializing the 40th president's likeness on a...
I never thought an incumbent convention speech could be bad, but I was wrong. Donald Trump's acceptance speech was interminable, boring and he kept losing his place on the teleprompter -- and this while sweat poured off him. Night...
Doesn't it seem like a no brainer that a guy who can't even protect his own family can't protect the rest of us? And doesn't it also seem like a no brainer that a White House caught in this...
It looks like the #BeBest couple are headed back to the bunker, this time to quarantine in the wake of news that presidential aide Hope Hicks has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Timing is everything in life, and this news...
Unhingery and Donald Trump are made for one another, like hot dogs and mustard. That said, today's raving mania in Ohio was one that even he will find difficult to exceed. I mean, we are talking unalloyed, pure sterling...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead