Poor Irony. She left this world early on in the Trump administration and was dead for years. Then she recently resurrected, but I fear that we may kill her again. Take a look at Rhinestone & Burlap, Diamond &...
We're only sixty days into the Biden administration and already the turn around in this country has been amazing. Government is working once again. The pandemic is finally being dealt with sanely and scientifically. This is all fine, and...
Irony-proof as always, Ted Cruz fails to realize how hilarious it is that he's calling somebody a professional liar when he just had a major snafu not long ago lying about running away from the blizzard to the warm...
The Dotard couldn’t be near as big an asshole without a big, but not so able assist from the worst speechwriter to ever collect a government paycheck in American Presidential history, that always predictably histrionic, despicable and fascistic hack…...
In the era of Trump, it seems that the most popular word in the English language is crisis. We just seem to keep bouncing from one to another, sometimes juggling them like a circus clown in a side ring. We're...
Bill Cosby was found guilty of rape by a Pennsylvania jury. He spent three years in prison, awaiting his appeal to process. We are lucky we got three years of Cosby in prison. Some judges may have let him...
When I was a young child I used to read a sci fic magazine, Amazing Stories. I found it captivating. I also read Beyond Fantasy and Imaginative Tales. As someone born in the Eisenhower years, that was about as...
Holy conspiracy theory, Batman. QAnon is having a convention September 14 in Atlanta, to "prepare social warriors for a coming digital war against censorship and oppression." And none other than convicted felons and Russian enablers Michael Flynn and George...
One could accuse avid straightriot, lover of women, Bible reader and mall Santa Gary Petersen of many things, and, believe me if you peruse his Twitter threads he has been accused of almost everything… but never accuse him of...
Sigmund Freud is rolling over in his grave, Karl Jung is in the spirit world reading Tarot cards and saying, "Thank God I'm no longer on the earthly plane." Where's Mary Trump? Of all the people in what we...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead