Sigmund Freud is rolling over in his grave, Karl Jung is in the spirit world reading Tarot cards and saying, “Thank God I’m no longer on the earthly plane.” Where’s Mary Trump? Of all the people in what we know as the Real World, a place which Donald Trump, Jr. has heard of but never belonged to, she might be able to kick in an opinion on this.

Junior posts a lot of strange things and frequently they involve his father. Senior has been posted by Junior appearing with the body of Sylvester Stallone or dressed as a punk rocker, all kinds of wild and crazy things.

But maybe he’s snorting a new cut, feeling more animated than usual tonight, because this is Junior’s ouevre for the evening.

All right, quiz time.

  1. Is it MAGA porn?
  2. Is it parody?
  3. An inducement to make Disney commit suicide?
  4. An insult to transgender swimmers?
  5. Daddy issues?
  6. 1 through 5 plus the kitchen sink?

All we can speculate is that a black mermaid started this and then the Mind of Don Junior took over.  I guess now we know who Edward D. Wood reincarnated as.

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  1. Really? This isn’t a joke? Junior actually posted THAT somewhere? Online where who the hell knows how many people will see it before it’s taken down? Trump loves pics of himself made to look like some bodybuilder or wearing robes and a crown, but this? If Junior actually posted this daddy sure as hell won’t be giving any love! Assuming Trump doesn’t stroke out and die on the spot, Junior will find his allowance cut to zero. If he’s very lucky daddy will let him live for free at some Trump property (in the servant’s quarters) and get meals for free. Going off his coke habit cold turkey will be hell too. About the only upside for him is that Kymberly will dump him and he won’t have to sleep in the same bed palming a blade to defend himself when she goes into crazy mode in the middle of the night!

    I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near wherever Trump is at the moment. I’d even be apprehensive watching with binoculars because there’s no telling how big the explosion will be. Maybe telescope range would be safter to avoid being the blast radius of the fallout. Even if only a few and one gets hit with them unintentionally the Trump cooties and the microbes that cause the Trump stench might not wash off and without a skilled surgeon to cut them out of the skin one might get infected!

    Given the reaction we can anticipate we have some serious entertainment coming up over the weekend.

  2. Could it be jr. is still angry at daddy? How on earth could anyone think anyone would be pleased to be that face pasted on that cartoon? More to the point, doesn’t Disney own the rights to The Little Mermaid? Can’t imagine they’re very happy about this.

  3. The Trump idiocy finds no limits … like father, a fermenting poor copy, dirty Don Jr., makes another attempt at ruining the future for many young people, you know the ones, they are wide eyed and float in an imaginary world of colorful characters brought to the masses via Disney productions and most produce imagination boosts for the youngest kids … Then here come wart face Jr., who floats in his own world of half-closed bloodshot eyes …

    Whatever kick-a-Poop crap he’s using, HAS to be making his life hell, his Dad is going to prison, the family money, which has been drained by Pop’s criminal defense systems and normal business miss-management … there is no way the whole Trump family, excluding Mary and latest offspring, can avoid a massive fireworks display, just a matter of how soon the Courts drag one ugly Mega-Malignant Trump Sr., into full court charges and punishment activated …


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