Irony-proof as always, Ted Cruz fails to realize how hilarious it is that he’s calling somebody a professional liar when he just had a major snafu not long ago lying about running away from the blizzard to the warm weather of Cancun as being merely a drop-the-kids-off moment. But Teddums loves to step in it and now he’s gone after iconic journalist and fellow Texan Dan Rather.

Ted Cruz has no judgement but then that’s hardly a new observation.


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  1. Thanks Ted ‘Canadian bacon’ cruz. If anyone knows about spineless dick sucking hypocrisy, it’s you. U leave a nasty trail of slime everywhere u crawl.

  2. Ted could never walk across one of our county gravel roads here in Iowa … a tiny man like him would trip over the first pebble and THEN the first REAL gravel chunk would be a, Rock-of-Gibraltar, too tall to climb over, too many to squeak through, and what is that huge noise?

    Oh Oh, it’s the County Road Maintainer, driven by our neighbor across the road …. we appreciate every bit of our crushed limestone gravel … we DON”T like the stinky Canadian reject from Texas bad mouthing a talented, giant from a world of knowledge and first hand experiences, one that could snap Cruz like a twig in any mental debate …


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