Lady Karma, believe it or not, can be a real perv when she wants to be. Her message to manly MAGA males is, dude, if COVID-19 doesn't kill you, you'll never have a boner again and so what good...
This makes sense on a certain level. Dr. Robert Redfield was a big ass fan of Donald Trump's, i.e., one of his sycophant fluffers who went along with Trump's lies and obfuscatons because he couldn't stand up to him,...
You can find commenters on Twitter or political blogs that are more qualified to sit in the House of Representatives than Marjorie Taylor Greene. Seriously. And that is scary. That is also where the talk-show-host-as-politician metamorphosis in our culture...
Republicans and snakes speak with forked tongues, but I think snakes may have a sense of shame. Sarah Palin doesn't, that much is certain. Palin published numerous articles on her website pooh poohing mask wearing -- and then she...
As you know all too well, the key to Donald Trump's success is his utter obliviousness and lack of self awareness. That is what enables his unique brand of spontaneous, idiodic hypocrisy and rancor, that plays out as some...
I'm free! I'm free! And I'm waiting, for you, to follow me!   The Who   Tommy Hey America! To borrow a phrase from the Cheeto Prophet, Are you sick of winning yet? We set another new record today, and this one...
The Trumpkins are tripping over their own shoelaces with this one. Kayleigh McEnany was upset the other day because a "week" Joe Biden wasn't giving Trump's Operation Warp Speed enough credit for the availability of vaccines, forget that the...
A few days ago all the living past presidents joined up with the Ad Council and did a public service announcement on getting vaccinated -- except for Donald Trump. No, what he did was send out a tweet-sized press release...
Step by step, rung by rung. Climbing Jacob's ladder   Bruce Hornsby and the Range   Jacob's Ladder Mark my words, this is going to come back and bite the GOP on the ass, with T-Rex teeth. Right now, in the aftermath...
A picture is worth a thousand words and this short, one and a half minute video is priceless. If we are going to put anything in a time capsule, so future generations can grasp in an instant what life...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead