For any storytellers amongst you, let me make an observation: You will live long and see much in your life before you see a character that eclipses the natural perversity of George Santos. And let me make a prediction: you will see at least one movie where Santos is the main character, although about half a century from now (for those of us who are still around) I imagine that all kinds of movies will be made about this era. I base that prediction upon the fact that in the past few years a lot of Watergate projects have been produced, like White House Plumbers and Gaslit. They display the utter irrationality of the Watergate break-in, the people who did it, and the American president who ordered it. It was a strange era in our history but merely the preamble to an even stranger one, the Trump era.

George Santos is one of the occupants of the Trojan Horse that infested our government after Donald Trump took office. But for Trump’s perversity, someone like Santos could never have been. Santos caught on very early in the game to what Trump was about being a bird of the same feather. He realized that if Trump could do it, so could he. “It” being fabricate a persona. Lie. Construct.

Don’t have a college degree? No problem, make one up. Do you need something unique to make you stand out? How about being Republican, Jewish, and a married gay man? The fact that Santos didn’t have a drop of Jewish blood or even a Jewish in-law anywhere on his family tree did not deter him one bit. As for the husband? Who cares if Santos used to be straight and married? When in Trump world, do as the Trumpans do, which is lie.

Santos doesn’t have a lot of job skills and it was really nice to make $174,000 a year for doing nothing but talk shit and show up occasionally to vote. When Santos was forced out of Congress the question on everybody’s lips was, “What will he do next? How will he make a living?” It’s not like lobbying jobs on K Street were being thrown his direction and he certainly couldn’t go back to the practice of law, like many people do when their political life ends for one reason or another. It was speculated by both Santos and others that some kind of show business endeavor was in the works and what you’re about to see is as far along as that concept has gotten.

I think I’m going to write Santos a letter and suggest to him the only way he can make a lot of money at this time, which is to simply tell the truth about; 1. What a total loser he is; 2. Every step of the way in his losing political career. It’s a cautionary tale, a morality tale screaming to be told.

I believe that Santos will never have to work another day in his life if he can just capture first hand not only the incomparable freak show that he is, but the freak show that the GOP turned into when finally its fringe elements were all that were left and they united behind the reality TV actor in his tent and his brand became the GOP brand. Here’s a scene from the ongoing public humiliation which is Santos’ life.

Kitara is back and no I don’t know where Godzilla is these days but I agree, that would be a natural pairing. Maybe King Kong could pick up Kitara and set her him the character on top of the Eiffel Tower and then Kong and Godzilla can mix it up a bit.

At the very least a documentary could be made out of Santos/Kitara, because this is the essence of the man, what you’re seeing right here. It does not bother him a jot or a tittle that he has no skills or abilities. He has no remorse for the life of fraud he has led, and no desire to do anything different. He merely wants to continue in the footsteps of his hero, Donald Trump, and create a *brand* and be famous for being famous, not for having created anything or for being able to do anything.

Santos is more Trump than Trump, if you stop to think about it. All of Trump’s disciples mimic him perfectly. They are all:

  1. Stupid;
  2. Uneducated;
  3. Ignorant;
  4. Oblivious to 1, 2, and 3;
  5. Narcissistic;
  6. Obsessed with visuals and appearance;
  7. Greedy and obsessed with money.

Just think about it. Those characteristics are universal if you look at the coterie that Trump led into Congress as the Republican Pied Piper. Madison Cawthorn, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, George Santos, they all heard Trump’s tune and dance to it they did.

And those are the ones that got in. J.R. Majewski is still trying to get in, despite having been outed on lies about his military record and his insensitive comments about Special Olympics children.

And there will be others, make no mistake. Not until Trump is soundly defeated, put behind bars and off the American political scene, will the GOP finally make some effort to regroup and rebuild. But until that happens, George Santos will be out there doing self parody to make a dollar.

How far the Republican party fell in eight years. How far America fell in the four years Trump was in office, before she righted herself and got back on course. May we stay on course in November because the alternative is to be irrevocably lost.


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  1. He’s a one-man freak show, and if Barnum & Bailey were still around he’d have a job for life. Short of that, there’s the VP position and trump could have two for the price of one: George on even days and Kitara on odd. George could study Kabuki facial expressions and maybe learn ASL so that he could perform silently behind trump at media events. Kitara could hang out at Mar-a-Lago and advise Melania on wardrobe and hairstyles, plus she/he could share tips with Kimberley and Lara on liposuction and lip enhancement. Think of the possibilities …

  2. You know how at the beginning of some movies you see a tag that says based on a true story/actual events? For people now alive the saga of George Santos will in ten to twenty years be reduced to one of those “Whatever happened to?” shows on basic cable. Fifty years from now with a couple of generations of people who aren’t even born yet, a movie that accurately tells Santos’ story and has that “based on true events” notice (it’s pretty rare when such movies do mostly get things right but it’s been known to happen) people will assume it’s made up. Most such movies take so much license with history what’s portrayed has little resemblance to real life.

    In Santos’ case it would be like Charlie Wilson’s War, which as wild as it was actually toned things DOWN because even the mostly true stuff they depicted was so out there people assumed it was either made up shit or WAY overly dramatized. That’s how crazy Santos’ actual story is. Even those living now who have watched it all unfold in real time have trouble processing it! New stuff comes out and our instinct is to do some serious fact checking because new revelations are “Really? THAT too? Naw….” yet they almost always turn out to be true. And we still have trouble believing it.

    Fifty or more years from now people simply won’t be able to accept it. Assuming he goes down to defeat and gets multiple felony convictions and MAGA goes semi-dormant like the Klan did after Hoover cracked down on them (only because they pissed him off by threats against his FBI agents) for a couple of decades people fifty or more years from now will have trouble wrapping their minds around Trump. At least since he was President the average person will maybe trust credible historians that a good chunk of what they read/hear about Trump and MAGA actually happened.

    Consider this: Think about people in their forties and younger when it comes to Nixon. I’ve encountered my share who were born well after his time in power who say Naw, it couldn’t have been THAT bad. The same will be true with Trump. And some lowly Congress Critter getting away with all Santos did for a short time? People simply won’t believe it. Oh, they will be entertained but think it’s a marvelous work of satire from an author(s) with special talent for political fiction.

  3. True drag artists are just that…artists! MAGAts want to kill true artists, but they pay money for this dreck because they think it’s funny! Santos is no queen! Just a talentless ass who can’t apply makeup!! 🤮

  4. Santos makes the participants in Watergate look both g in comparison. Not one of them did drag. Although I would have paid to.see Nixon try. He would have made Milton Berle look.great in comparison.


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