It Was Never Really Broken. Just F*cked Up


Step by step, rung by rung. Climbing Jacob’s ladder   Bruce Hornsby and the Range   Jacob’s Ladder

Mark my words, this is going to come back and bite the GOP on the ass, with T-Rex teeth. Right now, in the aftermath of Biden’s stunning legislative victory, the GOP doesn’t know whether to shit, go blind, or wind their watch. So, they’re blindly shitting on their watch while they wind it.

Five days from now marks the one year anniversary of the day that Governor Steve Sisolak shut Nevada down. For just about 300 days, we had a federal government that refused to even admit the existence of the coronavirus, much less work on mitigating it. Not only did we never create a legitimate Covid Task Force to come up with a sane, national program of treatment and self protection, but the Trump administration muzzled the doctors and scientists that we did have working on it, at places like the CDC and the NIH from giving out practical, life saving information to the people.

And we actually got a later start than most of the rest of the planet, due to the saving grace of having two oceans to protect us. And yet, within 4 months, we took over the top of the leaderboard in confirmed infections and deaths, a position we have yet to give up, and never will. People aren’t going to forget that, because there are others who won’t let them.

See, here’s the thing. Despite all of their best attempts, Trump and his minions of doom were never able to really break the government. They just fucked it up. Terribly. They used ignorance, incompetence, and to my mind criminal mismanagement and neglect to turn what should have been a controllable medical event into a near apocalyptic event. And do you know how we know? Because that tragically, purposefully fucked up government is the exact same government that Joe Biden took possession of a mere 51 days ago!

51 days. Not that long of a period of time. 15 days was about when my ex used to start thinking of getting a home pregnancy test. 51 days is 1 week past the halfway point in a 90 day product warranty. But 51 days is plenty of time to create a miracle. Especially if you hire a guy who knows what he’s doing, and hires even more people who know what they’re doing, and then pays attention to them.

Before he was even sworn in, President Biden vowed to put 100 million shots in arms in his first 100 days in office. Good luck with that, since we didn’t even have the vaccine supply Trump said that we did. But today? Shee-it. Biden is on track to reach that goal on day 60, which means that if work continues apace, by day 100 we’ll be closer to 140 million arms stuck, almost half of what is needed for herd immunity.

Biden is rightfully proud of his accomplishment, noting that even with as late of a start as we got, there isn’t another nation on earth that is vaccinating as quickly as we are, and he’s just getting started. The military is being called out to hit rural areas to bring the vaccines to the people. And he finished it with a $1.9 trillion relief bill that will finish the job, and jump start the economy by getting real money where it’s needed the most, lower and middle class America.

Here’s why this is going to come back to bite the GOP so hard on the ass. Not knowing what to do, they voted in lock step to shoot down a bill with 70% support, so know they own it. And they also know that they just fornicated the canine. A couple of House GOPasaurs have already quietly started touting what great good this will do for their districts, while forgetting to mention that if they had had their way, it would never have happened. And a couple of GOP senators, including Yertl the Turtle, have already started bragging that it was His Lowness that actually set the table for defeating the virus through his incredible leadership, leaving Biden nothing more than a simple distribution task.

Nuh-uh. Won’t work, fools. because as Chris Carter likes to say in the X-Files, The truth is out there. The media has been reporting for more than a year about the pathetic structure and quality of the Covid response under Trump. And Biden doesn’t need to get down into the mish pit. He has attack surrogates like Vice President Harris, as well as Secretaries from the affected cabinets dealing with Covid, who can go out there and graphically prove that not only wasn’t there a viable, coherent Covid strategy under Trump. But that when Biden finally took over, he had to do the job with a depressed, gutted series of departments working with skeleton staffs!

This is going to be front and center in 2022. And every Democratic challenger for every GOP seat will be armed with a “NO” vote, to show the hypocrisy of GOP incumbents trying to take credit for the benefits, while ignoring the fact that they didn’t want to pass. And it will only get worse, because Biden is going to follow up with a huge infrastructure bill, which he can also pass through reconciliation without any GOP support, hype the benefits to the people and the economy directly to the people, and then dare them to vote against it again. And add more ammunition to the Democratic cannons.

The GOP has been on the wrong side on this one since day one. A top rule in politics is Don’t try to defend the indefensible! Ignore it, lie about it, deny it, twist it, but never try to deny unassailable facts. Because once you do, you slide into a hole that the Pope himself can’t help to pull you out of. And that’s exactly where the GOP is going. Let the games begin!

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. “even with as late of a start as we got, there isn’t another nation on earth that is vaccinating as quickly as we are” Think where we would be if we rolled out testing just as quickly a year ago, along with a serious attempt at contact tracing and no stupid mask loyalty test.

    • I can’t…If I do, I get sick to my stomach…So must death and destruction, all due to one pompous, overbearing, strutting popinjay!!!

  2. I had this EXACT conversation with a friend less than 24 hours ago. The GOP (Group Of Pricks) are once again digging their own graves and are so out of touch with the people and their needs that they don’t even realize it.

    The same thing happened with all of their bluster and lies in their campaigning to repeal the ACA without realizing that the people actually LIKED the ACA and it’s provisions.

    The result of that miscalculation was the Blue Tsunami of 2018…….the blue wave that results from them unanimously voting against the Covid relief will make 2018 look like ripples on a pond.

    • exactly…TYhe GOP got spoiled with 10 years of cuffing the Democrats aroiund, and never could quite realize when the chess kid was bopping the bully in thge snoot…

  3. The travesty and tragedy of the trump non-response is disheartening, but I am grateful things are moving forward. We are older, and have not gotten the vaccinations yet (any is fine) but will be fmoving forward on that front soon. Thank you politizoom posters and commenters. I read this as a welcome reality check.


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