A True Nightmare Scenario. What COULD Have Been.


I’m free! I’m free! And I’m waiting, for you, to follow me!   The Who   Tommy

Hey America! To borrow a phrase from the Cheeto Prophet, Are you sick of winning yet? We set another new record today, and this one had even the staid, serious scientists and controllers of President Biden’s Covid Task Force high fiving and elbow bumping. Because, today the Biden administration put 3.4 million shots in arms to combat the coronavirus. Does anyone really doubt that Biden will be able to follow through on his pledge to get 200 million doses in arms by the end of his first 100 days? I don’t.

Since the day that Biden took office, he has been a laser focused buzz saw aimed at the Coronavirus. He single mindedly hammered through the Covid relief bill to provide desperately needed benefits to the vast majority of the US population, both Democratic and Republican. And Republicans are responding to the relief. And rather than playing stupid time politics and cronyism, Biden put a team in place that was actually qualified to manage a national distribution of the life saving vaccines to all of the states, and get them into arms. And the proof is in the pudding.

I’m sorry, but here’s where I have to get dark. Because it didn’t actually have to be this way. In 2020, the margin by which Biden won the critical swing states that gave him the presidency were actually smaller than the margin by which Trump won in 2016. We came that close.

After the election was called for Biden, the Trump administration embarked on a scorched earth program of obstruction to keep the Biden administration from getting any real, useful inforkmati0on during the transition period. And when the Biden team finally took control of the government on January 20th, they were horrified.

because there. was. no. plan. Trump insisted on treating the virus as a political and economic problem, and not a health care crisis, and so he did nothing to try to deal with the actual crisis itself. The Biden team found that there was no constructive plan for containing the virus, and it got even worse.

Trump himself trumpeted his Operation Warp Speed to get vaccines approved as soon as possible to combat the virus, it was all smoke. Mike Pence had almost an entire year as the Czar of the Coronavirus Task Force, and yet never put together a master plan to distribute the upcoming vaccines to the states, and no guidance to the states on how to get those vaccines into peoples arms!

Imagine if you will a world in which Trump managed to steal just enough electoral college votes to win a second term. So what? Even before Trump was sworn in for a second term, two of the vaccines would already have been approved for emergency use by the FDA. What happens then?

Trump’s response to the virus was to reward flunky states with largesse and equipment, and toi simply toss resources to the states, and leave them to deal with it themselves. With no coordinated shipping schedule, and no coordinated distribution timeline, how do the states plan their vaccine allocations and inoculation schedules?

The Biden administration has chosen to close monolithically with the problem. Not only has Biden effectively used the War Powers act to clear roadblocks for the manufacture and use of critical components of the vaccine, and not only has he activated state national guards to help to distribute and give vaccine shots, he has used the US military to fill the breach, and asked retired doctors, nurses, and paramedics to volunteer to get shots in arms. None of which would have been forthcoming from the Trump administration.

So, be grateful for what we have. All of our efforts, all of our phone banking, knocking on doors, and donations to Democratic candidates made it possible for us to look forward to a fall when our kids can go back to school, we can go to a restaurant, and sit in the bleachers for a college football game. But we came that close. And if we let the Georgia bullshit go unopposed, we may not get a second chance.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. I had an idea how close we came. After the election, before it was called for Biden, I was a mess. I usually watch the evening news and that only. I have cut back from morning and noon news. But after the actual day, I just tried to keep up with vote totals as they were coming in. I was having heart palpitations (no exaggeration). So I just turned off the television and went back to sanding a table that I was refinishing. It took about 3 days. I felt like Jethro Gibbs and his boat in the basement. At least focusing on the table helped me take my mind off the election. I could not bear the thought if dolt 45 had won.

    • Cjerul, from the day that Trump trattleclankjed his way down that schlock escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy, I became obsessed with covering the politics of Trump…And it cost me, dearly. Trump’s mind is like the character of the Joker in the Barman movies…Everybody who plays him dies…I had MSNBC and CNN on from 10 am to 9 pn looking for things to write about, and so little of it was good…I am now in the process of separating myself from nonstop political coverage, much like you, for my own mental health…

      • “Trump’s mind is like the character of the Joker in the Barman movies…Everybody who plays him dies…”


        The ONLY person who’s played the Joker in a feature film and died afterward is Heath Ledger. Jack Nicholson played the Joker in the 1989 Tim Burton film and he’s still among the living (though, at 83–soon to be 84 in about 4 weeks–he’s probably not going to be that way too much longer, but, then again, he could live another decade or more).

        Jared Leto played the Joker in 2016’s “Suicide Squad” and he’s still with us–and quite active. And then there’s Joaquin Phoenix who played the Joker in the 2019 film of the same name; Phoenix is still quite alive.

        There is a minor technicality as well involving Cesar Romero. Romero, of course, is probably most well-known for his Joker appearance (makeup-covered mustache, and all) in the 1960s “Batman” TV show but there was also a theatrically-released film featuring the cast–heroes and villains–of the TV show that came out the summer between the show’s first and second seasons (it also featured Lee Meriwether as Catwoman, replacing Julie Newmar). Romero was technically the first Joker actor to die after playing the role (Romero died in 1994).

        So, of the 5 actors who’ve played Joker on the big screen, only 2 have died at this point.

    • Yep I was doing work out in my shop and couldn’t bring myself to watch anything on the news did a lot of BritBox and Acorn mysteries that really help take the edge off.I’m still not watching as much news on tv because it’s so depressing.

  2. This is propaganda for the dumbest of all americans. There was no plan? Wtf do you think biden has been doing? He’s only done 2 things:
    1) continue what trump began
    2) claim credit for everything trump did with the vaccines.
    The stupidity of people who believe articles like this is astounding. You think biden (who’s not coherent enough to actually be the one running this country) is winning against covid? He’s spreading covid all over america by allowing untested and untreated illegalls to enter this country unchecked. He gives them stimulus money and free transportation to go anywhere they like.

    • What you wrote is propaganda straight from right-wing propaganda sites. Trump had no plan. He threw away the one he inherited from the Obama administration and never replaced it. He even canceled the nationwide testing program when somebody told him early on it looked like maybe the blue states would suffer most of the infections and death.

      There is no reason to give Trump credit for anything. Vaccines were on their way before Trump’s announcements. Trump mostly makes announcements, and his supporters pretend that making an announcement is the same as carrying it out. Biden is not exactly claiming credit (at least in the manner that Trump does). He is sharing credit with all the people who did the actual work. However, the effective distribution of vaccines is wholly on Biden.

      The rest of your comment is largely refuted by DHS. https://www.dhs.gov/news/2021/03/16/statement-homeland-security-secretary-alejandro-n-mayorkas-regarding-situation Every asylum seeker is tested and treated if necessary. The estimated positivity rate among the few illegal immigrants who managed to evade being turned away is less than many states. The stupidly of people who believe right-wing propaganda sites is astounding (as Sydney Powell herself pointed out in her motion to dismiss the lawsuit against her for her role in spreading Trump’s Big Lie).

    • You have really swallowed whole the line of crap that the former guy was spreading around. It’s so sad to see what happens when once sane, normal people lose their minds.

  3. There. Was. No. Plan. Now there is. We’re on the list and expect to get shots soon. During Cheeto’s tenure I didnt even think about it because info was so chaotic.


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