OK, fuck it, this is just ridiculous. 2:30 PDT on a Sunday afternoon, and out of nowhere, and for no previously announced medical or logical reason, Trump's motorcade crawls out of the front driveway like they're trying out for...
Lady G, G for Gutless, wants to make sure she doesn't offend anybody in the conspiracy theory wing of the party. That's why today Lindsey Graham announced, yes, he did catch coronavirus and yes he was vaccinated and being...
The Trumpkins are tripping over their own shoelaces with this one. Kayleigh McEnany was upset the other day because a "week" Joe Biden wasn't giving Trump's Operation Warp Speed enough credit for the availability of vaccines, forget that the...
This won't take long, but I just wanted to share it, because it was the best damn thing I've heard all day. In the last hour, on All In with Chris Hayes, Chris had on a clinical specialist discussing...
Generally speaking, the phrase "there is no low they won't go" is applicable to all the denizens of Trump world. But specifically, if you want to find the handful of fools who have even less scruples than the others,...
Doesn't it seem like a no brainer that a guy who can't even protect his own family can't protect the rest of us? And doesn't it also seem like a no brainer that a White House caught in this...
You see these stories turning up daily now. The anti-vaxxers are caught by COVID-19 because the virus doesn't care about whacky ideas. It's going to get into whatever organism it can and wreak havoc. This is the typical story with...
What's old is new and what's new is old. And nothing is older than religion and grifting. That was a match made in Hell long ago, although Jesus himself preached simplicity and sharing amongst a faith-based community above a...
Donald Trump and the coronavirus are a match made in Hell -- our Hell, unfortunately, the Hell of the average man or woman who needed the shot, bigly, last year and simply had to bunker down in isolation when...
Like a 50's rock station, the hits just keep on coming to Donald Trump, and it's not even noon. James Clyburn chairs the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. He displayed a chart comparing European countries, where the...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead