Generally speaking, the phrase “there is no low they won’t go” is applicable to all the denizens of Trump world. But specifically, if you want to find the handful of fools who have even less scruples than the others, you can count them on one hand: Don Jr., Eric, Roger Stone, Mike Flynn and Peter Navarro. That’s the shortlist.

Here is what Peter Navarro let loose with today.

There are 610K deaths from COVID-19 in the United States at present. Worldwide there are 4.19 million. So, we are to infer that Dr. Fauci is responsible for every death in the world? Interesting premise.

Why get vaccinated when you can drink the fish tank?

Now there is a statement of genius. Every time of these clowns goes off, just superimpose it over a used car salesman ad. Brilliant. I wish I had thought of it myself.

Here are some factual videos, including one of Trumpty Dumpty that have not aged well. Worth the 2:20 to watch it.

If Trump hadn’t have been in the White House politics and vaccine would never have gotten mixed up together. It is an unholy alliance.

Poor Dr. Fauci. Hillary Clinton is still the most lied about politician in our history and now Dr. Fauci is the most lied about public servant. At least Hillary chose to be a politician. Fauci wound up where he is via conspiracy theory. Nobody ever said that life was fair, but what’s been done to Fauci is the textbook definition of unfair. And then some.

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    • Actually, his doctorate is in economics. We can argue his value as an economist, even the validity of his economics arguments and beliefs, but he *is* an economist. Again–for all that’s worth.

      We should not, however, listen to him on any subject other than economics–especially not on the subject of medicine.

  1. These piss-ass simpletons, like Navarro and Rand are relentless in their stupidity, Rand can’t let Dr. Fauci answer a question he presents without talking over him, generally treating Fauci with little to none credit for his years of study, lab works and teaching … If it were ME, getting treated like that, I’d risk a few days in jail, walk over and kick Rand in his shins … or something …

  2. Dr. Fauci doesn’t deserve this. He’s the next thing to God on how to get out of this pandemic. The anti-vaxxers/maskers are the moral equivalent of drunk drivers, and should be treated as such.


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