Lady G, G for Gutless, wants to make sure she doesn’t offend anybody in the conspiracy theory wing of the party. That’s why today Lindsey Graham announced, yes, he did catch coronavirus and yes he was vaccinated and being vaccinated is better than not being. What else would you expect him to do? Stand up to the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz who claim that mask wearing is part of a communist takeover? Did you really expect him to say that the vaccine was saving his life and everybody in the country should run right out and do that for themselves?

The irony here is that even this much will get Graham in trouble with the QAnon contingent. Greene and the rest of them can’t claim that it’s an abridgement of their civil liberties to wear masks in Congress when it’s obvious that the virus is active in Congress since Senator Graham managed to get it.

So much for Freedumb.


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    • Eh, most of those are easily controllable with a little penicillin or other antibiotics. Even HIV is turning into a pretty manageable disease between PrEP and various drugs as well as U=U (undetectable = untransmittable; if one’s viral load is so low that it can’t be detected in lab work, then there’s almost zero chance of transmitting).

      As for the bath houses in Charleston, I don’t think there are any. (A site that I frequent doesn’t have any listing for any bath houses in all of South Carolina. Plenty of other areas for Lindsey to play in but no bath houses. Now, DC is another matter–although, per comments about the place, it doesn’t seem the place is currently open.)


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