Leadership of the GOP Conference under Liz Cheney was the main topic of conversation at a special House meeting Wednesday night. At that meeting Marjorie Taylor Greene got up to make a quick speech defending herself -- and we...
It's true to a certain extent that we all live in worlds of our creation, but some of us are better at it than others. Mike Lindell, for example, interfaces with our world from time to time, but mainly...
The coronavirus is no respecter of persons. Like the rain, it falls on the just and the unjust, the vaxxed and the unvaxxed. It may seem to favor killing the ignorant, but that's because they're willfully ignorant and refuse...
Lin Wood gives every indication of being in a slow, psychotic meltdown. I think it genuinely piqued him when he lost his bid to run the South Carolina GOP. He was scheduled to show up at the QAnon convention...
Chuck Grassley is no John McCain. That's a no brainer, but even with Grassley, one could have hoped for better in this particular instance. One of McCain's better moments was when a constituent at a town hall was asking...
I love the smell of conspiracy theory in the morning, it smells like delusion. One of the major conspiracy theories that is getting short shrift news wise is the Dominion theory, not to be confused with the religious Dominionists...
What you're about to look at is a complete joke. You or I or anyone with basic video skills can photograph people putting ballots into mail boxes and then intone sinisterly, "We tracked over 2,000 mules." That's swell. Did...
Not sure what the Great Reset is. I can only conjecture that it's something along the lines of the New World Order. In all events, it is apparently something to be avoided like the plague and in order to...
George Takei made a video with commentary on the now famous MAGA whiteboard, showing the connections between Donald Trump and various social influencers and media personalities, both alive and dead. To date, we still have not unearthed what Bobby...
It certainly says something about our culture, when a sitting senator, purportedly a more responsible figure than just the run of the mill yous and mes, gets a suspension from a social media platform for violating its rules against...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead