George Takei made a video with commentary on the now famous MAGA whiteboard, showing the connections between Donald Trump and various social influencers and media personalities, both alive and dead. To date, we still have not unearthed what Bobby Kennedy is doing on the board.

This definitely is what a cult looks like. I don’t think too many people are going to argue with that. It would be interesting to see what Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy might have to say about that. You know it would be total denial, but it might be amusing to hear.

Twitter concurs.

Conspiracy theory is the road to fascism and the end of democracy. No doubt in my mind.

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    • I didn’t think of it till now (I assume you also read the earlier article about this) but for the first time in a long time I thought of Glenn Beck. He used to do shows where he’d create this kind of shit on a whiteboard and back then it was hilarious to watch mashups of his “reasoning” which was of course lack thereof. I even recall Jon Stewart doing a nice long segment doing a Glenn Beck sendup complete with his own whiteboard.

      I’ll bet Beck looked at this current abomination and turned green with envy. His stuff is rank amateur compared to this nonsense!

  1. G K Chesterton used to respond to the phrase often (and even more often then) that they had “lost their reason” by pointing out that they hadn’t. Their ability to apply logic was pretty well intact.

    it was their “first principles” – their view of the world – their concept of what a fact is -which they had lost.

    He was also known to point out that “believing in oneself” can represent one variety of that slip into delusion.

  2. One picture is worth a thousand words. What is a picture of a thousand words worth?

    Showing the current RWNJ party?



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