Lin Wood gives every indication of being in a slow, psychotic meltdown. I think it genuinely piqued him when he lost his bid to run the South Carolina GOP. He was scheduled to show up at the QAnon convention in Dallas shortly thereafter and he cancelled. I think that he’s stewing and getting crazier, and if you doubt that, take a look at the bilge he’s pumping into the right-wing corner of the ethernet today.

You may recall the movie Capricorn One, where the premise is that a Mars landing was faked and then a corrupt space program decides to murder the astronauts so that they can’t reveal the truth. When I watched it back in the late 70’s it never crossed my mind that one day I would be living in a world where the kind of cloak and dagger conspiracy theory depicted in the movie would be the order of the day.

Wood is nuts. Sometimes criticism is leveled at myself, or other people who report on the doings of the right-wing nut jobs that we’re “amplifying” their voices, giving them a platform, etc. I think that’s a naive approach. Nothing good is going to come out of sticking our heads in the sand and not knowing what the right-wingers are saying to one another. If you look at the number of followers that Wood has, there’s a market for this lunacy. there’s a market for Newsmax, OAN, and certainly one for Fox News. Fox News has been around quite a while, it’s not going anywhere. It’s fortunes may wane like the moon, but it will still be there.

We need to keep an eye out for what the Lin Woods and the Michael Flynns are doing, because they are acolytes in the Cult of Trump, which is what the political party formerly known as the GOP has now morphed into.

The attributes of this cult are a fascination with its leader, Donald Trump, and a bent towards authoritarianism. The rest of the GOP is getting pulled into Trump’s gravitational influence. Look at this statistic.

“Of the nearly 700 Republicans who have filed initial paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to run next year for either the U.S. Senate or the House of Representatives, at least a third have embraced Trump’s false claims about his defeat,” the Post reported Monday.

This is very real and pernicious. And make no mistake, the Republicans who are not running for reelection, are opening up the field to Trump worlders.

The 2022 midterm election is going to be wild, prepare for that eventuality right now if you haven’t already.

And this background noise of fake inauguration, stolen election, COVID-19 vaccinations containing microchips that make a person magnetic, increase their 5G reception and mark them as owned by the beast of biblical terms, all contribute to the toxic political environment in which we live. Yes, on the one hand it’s bat guano on steroids, it’s funny and we laugh. But we should never laugh at that sobering statistic of 74 million votes cast for the trust fund baby showman. America is filled with the gullible and if they come to outnumber those of us who are sane and grounded, we’re toast.

The 2022 midterms will be gerrymandered and who knows what level of voter suppression will exist. 2022 could well be the fight of our lives.

On that note, I return to seeing what the RWNJs are up to. They’re not going away. They’re amassing strength, because there is some tumor in the body politic, some malaise that attracts creeps like these to undermine democracy and our way of life. The culture war is a civil war, make no mistake. As Ulysses S. Grant said, “There are but two parties now, traitors v. patriots.”


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  1. All the people present – thousands of them, and all the people watching it on TV and online?
    He’s not functioning well at all.

  2. I love Lin Wood. He is a great patriot and a man of God. He has sacrificed his good name and reputation to fight for Donald Trump and the fraud that occurred in the 2020 presidential election. When all is said and done, I believe you will find Lin Wood has been right on target all along. Watch it happen!

  3. Tammy Shaw
    Lin Wood is an idiot.A,man of your God would never support Trump. Jesus spoke over a thousand times about to handed the poo, never said a,word about abortion or gays,never told women to.sit down and shut up (Paul.did,but Paul.never met Jesus and actively helped persecutors stoning Stephen). In fact Jesus liked women. And only one disciple stood at the door of the cross,while his Mother,Mary,Mary Magdalene and another widow waited to claim his body and bury him. before sunset on the Sabbath.

    I had 17 w of Catholic education,including 2/3 of a,second bachelor’s (my first is in English Literature, magna dum laude, Phi Beta,Kappa,,College Scholar) I have read the Bible cover to.cover 7 times a nd the priests who taught my theology classes were world class theologians,not so.e semi-literate preacher from a Bible College so pathetic even the low standard Christian Accreditation bureaus won’t accredit it. I am qualified to laugh at Franklin Graham and his ilk of Christian grifters.

    Let us Fat Donnie. Two divorces, three wives,cheated on every wife. Jesus condemned divorce and adultery several.times. He is a liar and a crook,never goes unless required for the optics ( weddings and funerals). Takes the Lord’s name in vain non-stop. Took a false path when inaugurated to.protect the constitution, which he broke countless times Has broken every commandment promiscuously. (That is a joke. Pointing that out because you cultists have your sense of humor amputated when you join and consider mocking disabled peoplefunny). Has. boasted of raping women and is accused by 20+accomplished and credible women of sexual.harassment, lower degrees of sexual.assault ( yes,it is a crime ti.kiss and groped a woman without her consent) and rape. Hung out with a sex trafficker of girls barely past puberty. Never asked forgiveness for any of those sins. I don’t think Jesus would care much for the arsewipe former president IQ 45. You have to repent and ask.forgiveness to be Saved. He refuses so. He is headed for the Down Escalator to Hell.

    Poor .com siulrYou,not him.


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