‘Just when I thought I was out they pull me back in” (Michael Corleone, Godfather III)

Melania Trump is no Al Pacino and she’s not a movie character but that was a memorable moment from the last Godfather movie.  “Melanie” endured all the humiliation of having her P.O.S. hubby’s screwing around back in 2006 become public.  Bigly.  Reports are she did not react well. The Secret Service was no doubt relieved Trump and Melania slept in separate bedrooms for years before the story broke. All the same they probably had an agent inside Trump’s bedroom to make sure Melania didn’t sneak in and do a Lorena Bobbit on him! He infamous “I REALLY DON’T CARE DO U?” coat no doubt reflected her feelings about what was happening. to kids on that trip to the border. But this was something she did care about. And now she has to go through it all again!.

I doubt Melania knows much about baseball or the Yankees but the iconic Yogi Berra’s “It’s deja vu all over again” is what she’s feeling these days.

Melania probably had good reason to think that after the 2020 election the whole sordid mess would become a footnote. She knew Trump would run for President again but with all the other stuff she figured it wouldn’t go anywhere. She probably planned to wait a bit then cash in on her prenup and fade away. Then we learned the prenup had undergone a renegotiation/revision. I don’t know how much more got dangled in front of her but it was enough to get her to stay on the payroll.  And make no mistake, as Trump’s Trophy Wife (#3) she’s an employee. A multi-million dollar sugar baby minus (I think it’s safe to say) the “sugar” part, at least anymore.

Melania entered into a contract with Trump, with the long term goal of having a tidy sum of money and a couple of really nice places to live rent (and tax) free.  One in NYC and the other out on Long Island perhaps. Or maybe even overseas.  No matter. Given Trump’s history of carrying on a public affair before ending things with a Trophy Wife enduring that bit of ritual humiliation was part of the package. An unpleasant part to be sure, but not as bad as  having to f**k Donald however many times a year the contract required.

My point is that Melania was, if not okay with going through what Ivana and Marla did she accepted that as part of the bargain. That the time would come when Trump would make a show of carrying on with a  younger version of her before tossing her (and Barron) out of his life. She also knew damn well he was chasing and banging other women. The trips to the Playboy Mansion, palling around with Jeffrey Epstein and so on were also part of the bargain. In those environments Trump’s dalliances went relatively unnoticed. What Melania never, ever counted on was that a couple of them would come back to haunt Trump. And HER. And once it all came out the timing of when it happened was particularly embarrassing for her.

Now, given her own days as a “model” Melania posed semi-nude in borderline soft-core shoots so while she couldn’t have been happy one of the women in question had been Playmate of the Year and that it was an actual affair that went on for some nine months. But she probably could have rationalized it, telling herself that at least there weren’t a bunch of “full-frontal” pics of her floating around. She could in her mind look down her nose at Karen McDougal. An adult actress, a bona fide PORN STAR however was another matter entirely. (Brain Bleach alert) In her stone cold heart Melania knows Trump did in fact bang the porn star. And that a whole bunch of his MAGAs loved that he’d done so. Even worse probably millions of them had gotten their rocks off spanking the monkey to videos of the woman her hubby had his one-night-stand with. Oh, and as details emerged and it was clear Trump hoped for more “fun” with Daniels that rubbed salt in her wounds.

I’m sure the reports of Melania being furious didn’t convey anything close to her actual fury. I’m also sure that her emotions yo-yoed over the will he or won’t he go on trial for the clumsy financial crimes committed to cover everything up before the 2016 election. Melania knows damn well by the way HER feelings never for a minute were a factor – that the whole frantic f**ked up cover-up was all about the election. Anyway as I said she wanted the whole thing to just fade away. But there was some back and forth. Would Trump be charged or would prosecutors not bother.

Even when Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg obtained an indictment it seemed like the current trial might not actually happen. Given the other pending indictments Bragg was happy to stand at the back of the line. Pundits said it was the weakest of the cases anyway and if Trump got convicted elsewhere Bragg might not bother. So Melania was probably feeling a sense of relief. Especially last fall when it was clear Georgia might go to trial, and the DC case was definitely headed to trial after the first of the year. She had to be pissed at judge Cannon who could have had Trump’s Florida trial over and done with months ago but still Melania thought for sure DC would happen and her hubby would be convicted.

Then his lawyers threw a wrench into the Georgia case, and SCOTUS intervened in the DC case. Had they not done so his trial in DC would be underway right now! However, with a great big hole in the calendar Bragg said in effect: Well, we’re ready to go in Manhattan and the judge has time on his calendar so we’ll jump to the head of the line.  We make jokes about Trump decorating the walls with ketchup but I imagine Melania did far worse damage to the walls!

Her worst fears are being realized and it’s not over. (more on this in a bit) Part of her probably enjoyed the thought of Trump being tried and convicted for this mess, and the prosecution started off strong and has methodically built their case, with more to come. The part Melania dreaded however was was began on Tuesday. Stormy Daniels suddenly appeared in court and took the stand. If Melania had hopes the the prosecution might not need or want Daniels (and later at some point McDougal) they were dashed on Tuesday. And as I said it’s not over. Daniels’ testimony didn’t get into the truly gritty, nasty stuff like the size and shape of Trump’s “junk” but Melania knows that’s out there. And anyone following the trial has heard it and thought about it Tuesday.

The defense cross examination of Daniels is (probably) far from over. She might be on the stand for much of the day tomorrow. Remember, when the defense is done attacking her the prosecution will get a chance to re-direct and in the process refocus the jury on the things that matter once they are handed the case for deliberations. Melania just wants it to be over!  No way. Trump is demanding scorched earth and he will get it, and in the process call MORE attention to the fact he boinked a porn star. And knew how bad it would be for the election if the story came out in the aftermath of the Access Hollywood tape having his candidacy on life support.

Melania displayed her lack of humanity with that coat she wore. I truly believe she didn’t care one bit about those kids. But she sure as hell cares about THIS!  She should bite the bullet and use this as her “out” with Trump and MAGA World. Given his other problems she should grab her payout while it’s still there. And privately egg on her hubby to make a spectacle of Daniels’, and even when the time comes McDougal’s testimony. Some pundits have in fact questioned the prosecutors getting into as much as they did with Daniels. MSNBC analyst Lisa Rubin who’s attended much of the trial has a different take. She says it all illustrates for the jury (and the public) just WHY Trump was so desperate to cover all this up back in Oct. 2016.

So instead of Melania telling her husband the old saying about when you’re in  a hole stop digging, to just establish some inconsistencies in Daniels’ past statements and get her the hell off the stand to instead keep it up. To go nuclear.

Here’s a fun thought to leave you with. Since a conviction and all this scandal is going to badly damage Trump with voters (even some Evangelicals have had enough) she should commission a new coat. With a new saying “painted” on the back. That says:



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  1. I think Melanoma has accepted what’s done is done and she is squarely fixating her squint on a certain new spokesperson for the RNC, and who is a newer, younger “model” auditioning to be the fourth. Mrs. Donald J Trump, taking over her meal ticket.

    With Barron being 18 now, she’s lost thousands in child support payments already……the writing is on the wall Mel.

    • Would the bikini model dump her hubby for Trump? Who knows. However she’d be wise to hire a food taster. No, Melania isn’t the threat. Alina Habba is. Habba seems to like strutting around the Mar A Lago pool in a bikini but the actual model probably would make Habba look old. She’s not but she IS older and side-by-side even if they both looked pretty damned good to Trump he’ll go for the younger one. Especially if her “assets” are real and larger. I wouldn’t know but you can bet Trump would do a careful assessment!

      • The newer model would dump her hubby for Lardass in a NY minute……no question about it……..PLUS 1st generation Jewish American…..an added bonus….

    • Some child support arrangements include the time that the child is in college. She may have managed to get a few more years of support out of the orange menace while Barron is in college??

  2. I seem to recall a couple of photos where Melonhead was posing completely nude – not full frontal, but still as naked as a jaybird


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