The coronavirus is no respecter of persons. Like the rain, it falls on the just and the unjust, the vaxxed and the unvaxxed. It may seem to favor killing the ignorant, but that’s because they’re willfully ignorant and refuse to be educated. That is the case with Republican Volusia County Council member Fred Lowry, who is also a preacher who supports the QAnon pedophile theory and the Big Lie, and of course the conspiracy theory that COVID-19 is fake news. He has been in a hospital for three weeks now, according to the Orlando Sentinel:

“We did not have a pandemic, folks. We were lied to,” Lowry said in a May 30 sermon at Deltona Lakes Baptist Church.

The registered Republican, who is serving his second four-year term on the council, called Dr. Anthony Fauci “Dr. Falsey” and said the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases was a liar and pervert, the newspaper reported.

Lowry also repeated the debunked Facebook claim that the 2020 presidential election was rigged because 155 million votes were cast but only 133 million people were registered to vote. In fact, the federal government reported after the 2018 election that 211 million people were registered that year.

Here he is with the evangelical spin on the pandemic. If this was in a Hollywood script, Hollywood would have burned it.

The virus is surging in Lowry’s county right now as well as in Flagler County. But they can all keep advising chit chatting with God about it. As I have mentioned before, I believe in God but I believe in a God who creates a universe according to immutable laws and then he gives man the free will to decide whether to be smart or stupid. That’s the real choice here, but it’s framed as horse dewormer v. science and science is the bad guy. The fact is, science recognizes God’s immutable laws and works within them. It’s the religionists, ironically enough, who are the crackpots and the real atheists here.



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  1. Yeah. They’ve missed the boat concerning the Bible. Free will, according to Genesis, was hanging on the tree. The Devil offered Jesus the “kingdoms of the world”, not the other way around. John 8:42-47 clearly lays out that if you stand with lies, you are “children of the devil”. Not to mention, how you square hypocrisy, greed, racism with the two greatest commandments requires a degree of soul stealing evil I can’t or don’t care to understand. OK. Everybody can discuss these issues until the cows come home. Time for FACTS. No one knows shit about what happens beyond the grave except the dead. The average age we live to is 70 something. Only 2% live to a hundred. So, all the money, guns, & lawyers will not save YOUR ASS. In the old testament there are many stories about those that piss on God & his word. Maybe the nxt time these greedy child killers get-together for a “prayer breakfast”, they should bring the satanic Bible. I’m sure their father will be there in spirit with them.

  2. Yet another instance in which I wish I believed in heaven and hell because this guy surely belongs in hell. As for his survival odds, who knows? I can’t say it here but I think anyone who knows me knows damn well what I think about whether he deserves both the care he is getting (and in the process denying it to people who actually deserve the full measure of medical care both for Covid and other medical problems that require hospital treatment) or to somehow pull through. Because if he does live I’ll bet everything I have (admittedly not much) that this asshole will give ALL the credit to god/Jeebus/prayer and NONE to the hospital workers who are performing heroics on his and other’s behalf. Maybe I could send him a card – one of those that’s blank on the inside so you can write your own message. I would say “Hope your local feed store has some Invermectin HORSE PASTE your parishioners can send you. But while it works as horse dewormer there’s no proof that it works to cure horse’s ASSES of Covid.”

  3. Doing his “own personal research” – meaning reading lies on FB and elsewhere, that agree with his chosen (racist/misogynist) views.

  4. If he has been on a ventilator for three weeks, that’s generally when they decide to pull the plug. I don’t think his chances are good at this point.

  5. Funny, innit? How all these folks who’ve been so anti-science for the past 20 months or so when it comes to COVID SUDDENLY feel they need to use up valuable medical space when THEY are afflicted.

    This asshole, in particular, should be turned out of the hospital and let God deal with his illness. I’ve completely lost all empathy and sympathy for any of these people who’ve let their personal political beliefs overrule any common sense (I’ll reserve empathy and sympathy for the poor unfortunates–like the children of these idiots–who haven’t been able to get vaccinated and whose parents let their right-wing and/or anti-vax political attitudes keep them from behaving responsibly).


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