Turn out the lights, the party's over   Country Song It was so heartening to hear President Biden call out Trump directly for the Big Lie, exposing it in great detail for what it was. It was even better since, as...
In a bit more than 10 hours, the polls will open in Georgia for the highly anticipated GOP primaries. Georgia's not as antiquated as Pennsylvania, we should have a pretty clear picture of the lay of the land by...
The stolen election sideshow continues. Donald Trump is planning a trip to Phoenix on the 24th of this month to talk about election integrity. Meanwhile, the Arizona fraudit stumbles along on in its fruitless way. Here's what's happening in...
You know, it was the pathetic macho display from former Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro after he finally got the shackles and steel bracelets off, and appeared in front of the media to lick his nuts and soothe his...
"In the year 2525 if Mike is still alive, if Big Lie can survive, they will find...." Two whacko stories breaking today, and they're related, so follow me now. You don't want to get lost. The New York Times broke...
I think the Peter Principle may be in for a major renovation. Clear the decks for the Lindell Principle, which illustrates that even if a grifting conman manages to luck out and get a scam that works well and...
Maybe cancel culture is an air borne contagion, you suppose, like the coronavirus? Because it sure seems to be a pandemic right now. The latest major cancellation is Mike Lindell canceling Newsmax and sending his followers -- and we...
Washington, D.C. has always had its characters and that will never change. What will also never change is the fact that at times of upheaval in Washington -- Watergate was one instance and the 4-year-long scandal that was the...
Persons involved in attempting to replace legitimate Biden electors with Trump loyalists in Georgia, Arizona and Michigan have been served subpoenas by Federal Agents today! Yeah! Washington Post “Federal agents investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday...
It's always interesting to know what Mike Lindell "thinks" has happened on any given day. In his worldview (think of somebody looking through a straw) there is only one news story and that is the Big Lie. Anything else...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead