Far be it from me to claim I know how the cool parties work in NYC.

Being the politics and Major League Baseball nerd that I am doesn’t get me invites to the cool parties here in the boontoolies let alone in The Big Apple.

But apparently, unbeknownst to pretty much everybody, Don Jr. was once a maven of the Manhattan Cool Party Circuit… that is until Daddy ran for President and promptly began selling out the whole damn country to Putin and his oligarchs, and the invites from the mean ole libruls started drying up.

He took his complaints to the Dragon of Budapest himself, Sebastian Gorka, who undoubtedly also has problems with his cool party invites delivery.

Whah fucking whah.

No! Say it isn’t so, Betty!



If only, Joe.





🤣🤣🤣 🙌




Like I said up top, Jr., I don’t know from cool NYC parties but it seems to me that complaining about being excluded from them is kinda like complaining to your father that you have no class.

Why are you schlepping sand to a beach, boy?

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  1. Oh, pooor BAYbee. He has to do his addictive thing all by himself now.

    Too bad he can’t hear what he he sounds like to the rest of us.

  2. One of my oldest friends is an actor who has lived in Manhattan some 45 years now. He assures me that the Trumps were never high society. I believe him. They were tabloid fodder. If they thought they could get invited to the Met Gala and all that, they would be back in the Big Apple in a heartbeat.

  3. Why do you care? Like all mega wealthy people, they prefer but are denied privacy. You know, from paparazzi’s and little people like you.


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