Hope springs eternal in Wingnuttia as we know, but this is a particular strain of insanity that Mike Lindell is speaking to. He’s in Orange County, on the same podium with the demon spooj doctor and the magnetic doctor (the one who says the COVID vaccine will make spoons and keys stick to you, that one) and of course his seditionist buddy Michael Flynn.

Donald Trump will win the State of California when I am crowned Miss Teenage America. And believe me, there is greater likelihood of the latter occurring than the former. I lived in California for 41 years and there is.no.effing.way. that man won that state or ever will.

Still and all, it speaks to the delusional capacity of Mike Lindell. It’s too bad Lindell’s delusion isn’t a body of water. We wouldn’t have to worry about the drought in the southwest.

Here’s the demon spooj doctor, remember her?

Remember this whack-a-mole? Walk with me down memory lane. This is from the Daily Beast, July 28, 2020. This is where we were, one year ago. Sweet Jesus.

A Houston doctor who praises hydroxychloroquine and says that face masks aren’t necessary to stop transmission of the highly contagious coronavirus has become a star on the right-wing internet, garnering tens of millions of views on Facebook on Monday alone. Donald Trump Jr. declared the video of Stella Immanuel a “must watch,” while Donald Trump himself retweeted the video.

Before Trump and his supporters embrace Immanuel’s medical expertise, though, they should consider other medical claims Immanuel has made—including those about alien DNA and the physical effects of having sex with witches and demons in your dreams. 

Immanuel, a pediatrician and a religious minister, has a history of making bizarre claims about medical topics and other issues. She has often claimed that gynecological problems like cysts and endometriosis are in fact caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches.

She alleges alien DNA is currently used in medical treatments, and that scientists are cooking up a vaccine to prevent people from being religious. And, despite appearing in Washington, D.C. to lobby Congress on Monday, she has said that the government is run in part not by humans but by “reptilians” and other aliens.

Immanuel gave her viral speech on the steps of the Supreme Court at the “White Coat Summit,” a gathering of a handful of doctors who call themselves America’s Frontline Doctors and dispute the medical consensus on the novel coronavirus. The event was organized by the right-wing group Tea Party Patriots, which is backed by wealthy Republican donors.

Again, friends, and I know I sound like a broken record, this is what the Republican party has degenerated into Moral decay doesn’t begin to touch it. This is philosophical and spiritual rot at the molecular level.

And then there’s this ding bat “doctor.” She predicts that people who are vaccinated are going to get ill and die this fall because that’s part of the Evil Plan.

Now I’m not following how getting a physical shot, for COVID or anything, can automatically make one a member of a philosophical movement. If anybody can explain it to me, please do. Conspiracy theory is not my strong suit.

So there you have the leading thinkers of the Republican party, ladies and gentlemen in the Year Of Our Lord, 2021. What you hear, here, is what it is. And that’s all, folks. That’s who they are and that’s what they’ve got.

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  1. I laugh every time I hear someone say that the COVID vaccine magnetizes you and demonstrate this by showing a key sticking to their bodies. If they knew anything, they’d know that for the past century or so, keys have been made mostly of brass and magnets have no effect on them.

    • Stainless steel isn’t usually magnetic either. So spoons shouldn’t stick.
      I’d like to see them with a *plastic* spoon sticking to them, because it’s far more likely.

  2. Ms. Transhumanism is correct in a way: people will die this fall. Unfortunately her prognosis is a wee bit off. The ones dying will be the idiots who listen to her and demon spooj, the un-vaccinated.

  3. Ever notice how the MyPillow commercials feature only white yuppie types? Apparently, Lindell doesn’t want minorities buying his crap. Unless he has commercials for every demographic.


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