I was outlining an article about this week in the Trump criminal trial up in New York, with the TV on listening to news. (I do that a lot)  I’ll have plenty to say later in a different piece about who I predicted would be a major, if not the key witness for the whole trial (unless Trump himself testifies) but I heard something that grabbed my attention. It was an election night text from one key figure to another that played huge roles in the sordid tale being told in that Manhattan courtroom.

In his opening prosecutor Michael Colangelo mentioned something I’d missed. On a page of short blurbs from CNN you can see the tidbit I’m talking about for yourself:

Prosecutor Matthew Colaneglo described how on Election Night in 2016, as news outlets got closer to announcing Donald Trump as president, the lawyer who cut deals for Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels, Keith Davidson, texted National Enquirer editor-in-chief Dylan Howard: “What have we done?”

We all remember that awful night, and how our emotions changed from optimism (albeit guarded for many) to despair if not horror. As bad as we feared things might be they turned out to be even worse. And it’s not over, three years after Trump was finally gone from the WH which he’s trying to get back in to! You know what? I’m sure there are plenty who enabled Trump who are doing so again, whether for coldly cynical personal/financial gain, aligned policy goals or because of permanent damage from the orange Kool-Aid they still believe in Trump.

But I’m equally certain there are many who enabled Trump who starting that night had the same though Davidson did. What the f**k did I/we just do?  So many people in Trump world never, ever believed he’d actually win. Probably they were just getting experience to burnish resumes for political jobs of one sort or another, or angling for a job in the media “empire” that we are told was probably the real purpose of the whole exercise of Trump running for President. Or bumping up the payout of a prenup to play dutiful wife on the campaign trail before clearing out so Trump could move on to Trophy Wife #4.

Melania cried that night. Others, astonished and either worried or upset (or both) reacted just like Davidson.  Or this:

A HELL of a lot of damage actually. More than will ever be able to be calculated and this country remains badly wounded with Trump/MAGA and other enablers still propping him up he’s still taking a meat cleaver to the United States and the free world. If you feel guilty about what you’ve done then good. Now dedicate the rest of your lives into fixing some of the damage you wrought!


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  1. Melanie cried? I thought she had her tear ducts removed when she got hooked up.with the Donald. It was utterly predictable that he would cheat on her. He did it with his other two marriages. My theory is she’d put in a few years, pop out Barron thus ensuring he’d inherit something, then collect via prenup when he traded her in on #4. After all, she she was 35 when they married, practically ancient. This was a financial arrangement, never a love match on either side. I suspect the only reason he is still.married to.her, an ancient hag of 54, is that he doesn’t have the money required by the prenuptial to pay her off. Melanoma is many things but she isn’t stupid about money. Under FL inheritance law even with a will, she is entitled to choose between what he leaves her in the will or an elective share of 30%. You can bet all the real estate is in his name only, nothing held jointly, unless he has put it in her name to avoid seeing it to go to pay off his debts (and if she’s smart, she will that property in her name and dump.his party fat arse).


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