Full Disclosure. I am a die hard, rock solid supporter of Bishop William Barber. I have been following him for years now as a political blogger, and am rapidly starting to think that he may be this generation's Dr. Martin...
Yes, I know, it's the national pitched battle for control of the House and Senate that is widely seen as the battle for the soul of democracy. But don't forget, it's kind of hard to have a functional national democracy if...
(H/T to my friend Denise Oliver Velez.) Remember Ashley Todd? The McCain campaign volunteer who carved a "B" into her face and then claimed a scary black Obama supporter did it? Well, apparently a Trump-loving family in Minnesota is getting on the...
This is going to be short and to the point. Let's consider just some of the worst things Trump, his administration, his cronies, and his hate-maddened cult followers have done. Consider every one of them before moving on. They tore...
I first saw this mentioned yesterday while on the computer with the news on TV playing and to be honest misunderstood what I was hearing. This morning as I browsed my news feed I was stunned by what I...
Environmental Activist and Social Media warrior Greta Thunberg was detained and released at the site of a proposed coal mine expansion in Germany yesterday and Ben Shapiro could not wait to make fun of video of the incident on...
MSN “Rep. Judy Chu, D-Pasadena, on Thursday, June 30, was among more than 100 protesters arrested during a protest in support of abortion rights in Washington D.C., according to her office. Chu — who introduced the Women’s Health Protection Act, which...
Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it Oh, boy! Looks like Florida Governor Ron Pissantis really shit in his mess kit this time. The minute I saw the video on MSNBC tonight, my flashback was...
Reina del Cid is the stage name of Rachelle Cordova, a Minneapolis based singer songwriter based now in L.A., who was prompted by recent …er… developments to pen the following anthem for disenfranchised women - My Country ‘tis of...
The Sturmabteilung, or "brownshirts," were formed as the Nazi Party's first paramilitary group. They protected Nazi officials, including Adolf Hitler and Erich Rohm, fought with the paramilitary groups that opposed them, and intimidated Romani, trade unionists, and especially Jews. Donald Trump,...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead