A Cliff’s Notes Analysis Of The Mueller Report, Part II — ‘Mueller Report Leaves Much To Be Done’


[Editor’s Note: Part I of this series was published July 8, and is archived here. This is a solid reference tool and study guide, which I suggest highly that you bookmark and come back to refer to. Remember, Mueller testifies July 17.

Mr. Wallace makes the comment here that you almost have to be a lawyer to get through the Mueller report. Thankfully, he is, and he’s done the work for us.]

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  1. Thank you for your comment. I hope that people find Parts I and II to be a shortcut to understanding Volume I of Mueller’s Report.

    William Wallace

  2. You know, I agree entirely with you that Volume I is not being referenced or analyzed nearly as much or as often as Volume II has been. The obstruction may be “sexier,” that is, it is being viewed maybe as the gotcha route to toppling Trump using either impeachment or the 2020 election, but the safety of our elections, or rather, the lack of safety, should be the thing that is keeping all of us up at night. Further, it appears that Mitch McConnell is ready to help Russia or any other national player/entity engage America in a very dangerous dance again. This goes to the heart of our need to get far more serious about this. Now. Right now. Politics be damned. We are going to find ourselves done out of our democracy with nary a shot fired.
    Thank you for all your hard work making sense of this. For those of us who are not lawyers, it is a very tough read.

    • I share your deep concern for our democracy and believe the majority of Americans either do share this serious concern or would if they were fully informed. I hope my short-cut understanding of Volume I of Mueller’s Report is some help.

      William Wallace

  3. I have started to read the Mueller Report (and I’m not even an American!) but found it hard to digest. Thanks for this clear analysis. It helps a lot.
    I have a question though. Since the Grand Jury information is not available (yet), isn’t it possible that the Manafort/Gates issue was looked at by the Grand Jury and that they decided there was not enough proof?

    • It’s certainly possible that a grand jury didn’t find sufficient evidence to support criminal charges, but we don’t know, at this point, what was presented and on what issues to various grand juries with respect to Manafort and Gates. The indictments for which Manafort was found guilty were financial in nature, with great detail to the off-shore banks through which funds flowed. There are, nevertheless, a lot of facts and circumstances in Mueller’s Report that could justify indictments. The conduct is so heinous that I believe at least some seasoned prosecutors would indict.
      I appreciate your comments.

      William Wallace


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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead