Remember the song, Tonight, from West Side Story? I’m getting that same feeling that tonight won’t be just any night, it’s going to be an endless night (for J.D. Vance) and a decisive victory for Tim Walz. The wayback machine is operating today and all kinds of juicy material is being exhumed from J.D. Vance’s past. Here is a particular classic. This is called “pulling one’s covers.”

There is too much out there, especially on J.D. One thing that the vice presidential candidate shares with his running mate, Donald Trump, is they both talk way too much and make admissions against their own interests all the time. This tendency is what constantly comes back to bite them both in the butt. This next one is a killer.

Vance claims to be a “Christian” but he is in fact a wingnut dominionist. The dominonists want to install a theocratic society. They are a domestic version of the Taliban, no more, no less.

And here is his “rape and incest as an inconvenience” argument. OMFG. That we’re even having this conversation in 2024 is appalling.

Wait for it all to come out in the wash, in a few short hours. Good luck, J.D. You’ll need it with all this baggage.


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  1. These people need to be put up against the wall whether or not a revolution comes. I can walk down the street, and mind you, I live in a blood red state, and ask anyone walking, driving, or riding, “do you want a dictator or dictatorship to replace our current government” and I can 100% guarantee there will be ZERO yes reponses. I have yet to hear anyone other than these RWNJ’s pining for such a thing.

    On day one, the very first hour of her presidency, President Harris needs to send to Congress the outline for taxing these fuckers at LEAST their fair share but preferably tax them out of existence. The ONLY reason they have the money they have is BECAUSE our country is set up the way it is. Had there been or should there ever be a dictator and our Constitution goes bye-bye, these silly fools are NOT going to be able to retain their wealth. It will ALL go to the dictator and perhaps the chosen few (in a von shitzi regime, it will go to his family).

    It’s not just that their ideas are moronic and repugnant, it’s that they are totally fucking clueless to anything going on in our current slate of dictatorships on this planet. Those hellscapes do not have free-wheeling capitalists running around making money hand over fist. Certain people are allowed to profit from state-owned industries and when they piss of their dear leader, they end up learning to fly from fifth story windows and another person takes their place. IF that is anyone other than the dear leader is allowed anything (there is one pie in N.K. and all of that pie is the dick-tater’s).

    Had these tech fools actually taken (or studied if they did take) courses in Econ, History, etc. they might have an inkling of why they were ALLOWED to make the amount of money they have. If we lived in their idea of government, they would not have the money nor would our nation have the innovative ideas that make folks a LOT of money. Innovation dies in dictatorships-it’s why you don’t see desirable….anything…coming out of N.K.

    I’m no particular fan of capitalism but things could be worse. much worse, and fools like these techies are clueless about how bad things would become under their chosen form of government.

  2. This is what hermits living in straw-bale huts in the back-woods of Montana dream up. How anyone like this could rise to become the president-in-waiting is terrifying.


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