The last post I put up on Mike Lindell —  my God, was it only yesterday? —  I said at the outset that a turning point had been reached in this saga. Here’s a link to yesterday’s piece wherein I explain why I think Friday was a definitive day and now we’re going to watch the beginning of the end for Mike Lindell.

On Friday a judge threw out one of his lawsuits and also ordered that he pay some of the costs Smartmatic has incurred for forcing them to defend a frivolous lawsuit .Lindell’s reaction, as you saw, was to create some website with a template where you could “Sue Mike Lindell” and the website doesn’t work.

That was strange. But what is stranger still is that Lindell is up in front of the crowd tonight claiming he’ll “never give up” and look at the shape he’s in.

Here’s one hell of a comparison. I never saw this clip before.

I don’t claim to know Parkinson’s from other ailments.

I’m just going to tell you my take on it, and this is from seeing people in the Hollywood studios do a lot of chemicals. I think it’s a combination of booze and uppers. I could be wrong. The uppers keep him manic and enraged and driven and the booze puts him in a haze and that’s what I see.

Also, you can almost see the sweat on his hands as he keeps shifting the mic back and forth, probably afraid he’ll lose his grip on it. That also is a symptom of booze and uppers — again, from a complete lay person’s perspective.

If anybody else wants to chime in, I would welcome your views.

Here’s the bottom line: the lawsuits are closing in. The least that Lindell will have to contend with is an out of court settlement. Dominion will bankrupt him if he keeps going on this absurd path. He may assure the crowd that he’ll “never give up” but that’s not a realistic assessment of the situation.

Lindell is a lot like Madison Cawthorn, just a different generation. He’s immature, bombastic, he’s in front of the public and he loves the limelight and doesn’t want to give it up.

The party’s over, Mike. It’s time to call it a day.

I will chronicle the Last Days Of Lindell, because I honestly believe that’s what we’re going to see. He began on a mad quest, that of the Big Lie, and it simply won’t hold water and it doesn’t matter what he does to try to turn lead into gold, a proper election into a stolen one, the alchemy isn’t there. It’s not working.

I give him another thirty days before he’s in some kind of a hospital program. Mark the calendar.

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