“The sky is falling.” — Chicken Little, Donald Trump, Jr.

They say that enough cocaine usage induces paranoia. But even paranoids tend to fear calamities with some likelihood of occurring, and not fantastic, unlikely things. That said, most paranoids are not part of a crime family that is in the process of getting busted by a series of congressional hearings.

Don Junior is clearly not serene about the past three hearings and so he has to deflect with what little is in his arsenal. You guessed it. Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell.

Let us parse through this.

  1. “We’re on the verge of WWIII.” Good to know. Junior knows this because the voices in his head told him? Or, Vladimir called him up on Jared Kushner’s backchannel? Or maybe Steve Bannon found a message in a bottle?
  2. “There doesn’t seem to be an enemy of the United States that doesn’t somehow have a Hunter Biden laptop.” So the laptop has clones? Or laptops are capable of sexual reproduction? Or Santa made several copies of the laptop, in case Hunter lost the original? Anybody have any idea WTH Junior is raving about?

Yes, it would certainly appear that the laptop is a big deal. But not to worry. This guy is on top of it.

What you have seen here, ladies and gentlemen, and are likely to see more of is massive deflection, deflection of such a magnitude that the world has never seen.


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  1. From what I understand the “chain of custody” on that laptop, or I think more precisely the hard drive from it has a shitload of gaps wider than the Grand Canyon. It would NEVER be admitted as evidence in any court. The provenance itself is questionable and given the chances for people to fuck around with what is being touted as the “bigliest” thing ever, ever EVER by Junior and damned hear every Repukelican wackjob (I know, Republican and wackjob is a redundancy in terms these days) I believe in any of this crap Junior spouts about that laptop about as much as I believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny. Actually less. As the “Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” says in a way via the folks who create that bit of magic through giving in a sense the two secular manifestations of Christian holidays has a bit of real world stuff there.

    Let me put it this way – I believe in that laptop and it’s “bombshell secrets” about as much as I believe “Melanie” married Trump Sr. for love, or that Trump is capable of putting anyone else’s interest above his own.

    I truly think that the GOP has taken a hard, cruel look at how the death of Beau Biden affected Joe, and has (I truly believe they are this despicable) decided to wage a concerted campaign to drive Hunter Biden to commit suicide. To fuck with President Biden. Yes, they’d have Harris in the Oval Office but given the rise of white power assholes the GOP is I’m certain they’re confident they can marginalize her, especially if they get control of Congress this fall.

    For you conservatives that seem to be popping up more here lately I don’t give a shit if your feelings are all butt-hurt!

  2. Someone should tell him that if he has evidence to back up all those assertions, DOJ would like to see it.

    As it is, there’s nothing there but wishes and fishes.

  3. But her (I mean his) e-mails!!!

    Out of curiosity – has anyone even SEEN the laptop?

    (I think this really should read ‘Roy Rogered’ instead of ‘Triggered’)


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