Donald Trump is doing a news conference in Mar-a-Lago, which is why Mar-a-Lago is trending along with Rambling, Listening To Trump and Watching Trump. He’s said a number of whacky things already such as how he had a “great relationship” with Chinese president Xi Jiangping but he “held him responsible for COVID,”and that “broke up our relationship but we’re gonna have a great relationship and it’s going to be mutually beneficial.” I seriously doubt all of that. I think if anybody is headed for a great relationship with Xi it would be Tim Walz who taught English to Chinese students for one year and cites it as one of the most valuable experiences of his life.

Maybe J.D. eloped with the sofa, who knows? And this next one is intriguiging. Vague allusions to the *bullet*.

No, but it is one hell of an attack ad on himself. My God, this man simply gets worse by the minute.

Interesting how he refers to Hillary as the “wife of a president,” which indeed she was. She was also a United States senator and a candidate for the presidency.

He’s got no problem if he’s going to get 75% of the vote. Hey, maybe that’s why he’s staying home and playing golf. Ya spose? Now this next one I love.

Kamala destroyed San Francisco and then the entire State of California. I wonder why none of my friends tell me this? I lived in California for 41 years and I talk to people there every day. And not one has said, “OMG, my house is no longer worth X million(s) dollars.” No, they’re all fine. I wonder if Trump believes that anybody believes this bullshit? Or maybe this is geared to people who have never gone farther than 50 miles from their birthplace and they think California is some foreign country?

Now pay close attention. This is evidence of a freaking psychotic break.

Um….scuse me….25,000 is the same as 1,000,000? Did I just hear that? Now math is not my subject, admittedly, but I listened to this twice and I believe that’s what he said. This next one is tragic. This is a yes or no question. I respect that some journalist FINALLY asked Trump but they let him wiggle out. The press is afraid of Trump, plain and simple. That’s why all the b.s. about his ear and whether it was glass, shrapnel or a bullet. He wanted it to be a bullet for the drama the weekend before the Republican convention.

There’s more of this lunacy but this is the gist of it. He loses track of his own train of thought, he mixes up names, he makes racist and sexist cracks — in short, another day with Donald. Move along, nothing to see here. And America intends to do just that on November 5.

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  1. His ears must be upside down – the lobe is the flap at the bottom (where ear rings get attached) and the blood smear is at the top

    But then, he wasn’t hit by an AR 15 round anyway (or he wouldn’t have an ear)

  2. I am glad you watched this to the end for the rest of us. I got sick to my stomach, not metaphorically, but physically and had to turn it off. Thank you for having a strong constitution!!
    This was so scary nuts that it is clear no one should allow him to drive a golf cart, never mind be in charge of the country. Having seen many of these tics and word salad among some friends and family members, plus the wan and sickly physical appearance, it appears he is now fully manifesting mid- to early-late stage dementia. In reference to some folks contending that CNN shouldn’t have aired this? Not sure I agree. It is helpful to the electorate to see this very clear descent into dementia and madness in real time. This would scare the pants off of folks who aren’t hard-core MAGA, and these are the ones we must capture and move to the Dem column.

  3. Infrastructure Week anyone?

    Played in full on NewsMax and Fox. The goobers gotta gander.

    What utter nonsense. Did anyone hear a complete sentence through all of that?

  4. I actually “tried” to watch that gibberish, then decided to take a nap. It gave me a headache and I got pissed at the journos at NOT asking questions and then following through.

  5. With my computer keyboard out of commission and facing a lengthy pain in the butt wait to be able to reboot my computer I watched the damned thing. First the roughly twelve minutes of him regurgitating the same old bullshit lies – I kept wondering whether a journalists had the guts to yell out AREN”T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE TAKING QUESTIONS? Not that it would have done much good.

    Within fifteen minutes of listening to Trump lying with every answer it hit me – I couldn’t hear the actual questions he’d been asked? I could be pretty sure whatever he was saying he wasn’t actually answering the question he’d been asked (which I later learned was the case) but he seems to have chosen the ballroom. A large space that can swallow up sound unless someone knows how to project their voice really well. Or has a microphone. Trump had it arranged so that viewers couldn’t hear the questions!

    Watching Lawrence O’Donnell last hour he voiced something else that bugged me. I was pretty sure Trump was getting deferential treatment. No cutting him off to direct him back to a “please answer the question” or pressing him with follow-ups. Trump still has the press corps COWED. O’Donnel played a clip of the WH Press Corps HOUNDING Biden’s Press Secretary over a bogus report Biden had been “treated by a Neurologist according to WH visitor logs.” She carefully explained what that report was erronious (I remember that fiasco) and yet the whole room, Ed Henry in particular self-righteously all but told her she was a LIAR! It didn’t help that she didn’t have permission that day to release the name of the Neurologist but she obtained it and sure enough he confirmed he’d been visiting the WH for years to provide consultations/treatment to WH personnel (mostly military) for conditions related to their military service! It was a brutal assault on the Press Secretary and by extension President Biden and despite getting rational answers that in their hearts they knew were true and that they could trust her on they went after her like sharks.

    The next day after they had the doctor’s name and could confirm what they’d been told the day before had been true did even ONE of them offer even a lame apology? Hell no!

    A huge reason Trump got to where he got and continues to be pissing and shitting in the national punchbowl is journalists who cover Presidential stuff including campaigns SUCK UP to Trump and let him get away with stuff they’d never, ever tolerate from anyone else.

    I’ll say it again. It’s because their bosses, the executives who run/own news outlets won’t let them. THOSE asshole suffer under a delusion that if Trump gets back in their organization will continue to exist. Nope, it will be Fox and maybe a couple of other outlets that Trump likes and everyone else will do well to stay out of prison. (Assuming he doesn’t run raffles to allow MAGA to shoot many of them. Trump of course will pocket the proceeds) Maybe the news honchos have escape plans set up for if Trump does actually win. Money transfered to a series of numbered accounts Trump’s new people (who won’t have skills) can’t follow. Just retire somewhere and live out a life of fabulous luxury.

    I’m really pissed again tonight!


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