Lady Karma is a tough old broad and one that you don’t want to piss off, because she’ll get you in the end. You will not escape her talons and fangs. She plays for keeps. Donald Trump is about to find this out the hard way, because while he’s desperately trying to figure out a way to come up with alternative routes to 270, he is being undermined by campaign members who are lining their pockets. They see his ship going down and their emphasis, in the last two months before Election Day is not to put their all into a do or die effort. No, they’re looking for the lifeboats and stuffing their pockets. To hell with Trump and his campaign, his crack election team is moving on. The sublime irony here is that Trump used to cry out, “Where are my killers?” an allusion to Roy Cohn, who stopped at nothing. He’s got his killers, they’re just killing his campaign right now, not his opponent’s.

the tweet ends “country club — announced his group was looking to raise the astronomic sum of $108million to run field campaigns and get-out-the-vote drives for Trump in swing states, despite having little to show for its past lavishly-funded efforts in those areas.” Must be nice to be raking it in like that. Kirk is out-Trumping Trump in the grifting department. That’s some achievement, hands down.

Daily Mail goes on and i’s not a pretty picture:

One well-connected Washington operator who had good connections to Trump’s administration during its early days said the former president inevitably attracted a disproportionate share of ‘oddballs’ into his orbit due to his own eccentric personality and unconventional style.

‘There were always a lot of people hanging around who would tell you they knew a guy who knew another guy who could get you a meeting with Trump,’ he recalled.

‘Some of them really had connections and could get you that meeting, but a lot of them were hustlers looking to make a buck.’

The biggest change from 2016, according to GOP insiders interviewed by, is that back then the dodgier figures in Trump’s entourage were counterbalanced by a large contingent of experienced campaign professionals.

Since then, the share of corner-cutting, scandal-prone, profit-hungry confederates in Trump’s camp steadily grew as many of his more conventional associates departed after growing disenchanted with him.

The problem has been compounded by the former’s president’s deep loyalty to his closest associates, which is typically a positive quality in friendships but less often the case with political relationships.

Several sources referred by way of example to Trump’s recent decision to bring his first 2016 campaign manager Corey Lewandowski back into the fold in as a top advisor as a sign of the urgency he’s feeling about the need to reverse Harris’s campaign momentum, and as the type of hires he makes that could make matters worse.

While Lewandowski is known to be extremely dedicated to Trump and relentlessly hardworking, he’s equally notorious for driving away important staffers because he’s rude and overbearing, and for his long track record of public buffoonery.

Trump has already fired Lewandowski twice, first as his campaign manager after he was accused of assaulting a female reporter.

Lewandowski doesn’t stop at reporters. He assaulted the wife of a Republican donor right here in Las Vegas in 2021 and it blew up in his face. He made “unwanted sexual advances” while he was drunk on his ass.

“On the evening of September 26 in Las Vegas, Nevada, I attended a dinner to support a charity and spend time with wonderful friends,” Odom said in a statement to POLITICO. “He repeatedly touched me inappropriately, said vile and disgusting things to me, stalked me, and made me feel violated and fearful,” she said, referring to Lewandowski.

“I am coming forward because he needs to be held accountable,” Odom continued. “I am blessed to have a loving husband and family behind me. I want other women to know that you can be heard, too, and together we can stop terrible things like this from happening.”

Among the vile and disgusting things Lewandowski said were what a big penis he had. If anything captures the flavor of both the Trump campaign and the candidate himself, this is it. This wouldn’t fly for five minutes in a Democratic campaign.

Now as to Trump’s “plan” to win, the latest scoop on that was that he intends to keep every state he won in 2020 plus flip Pennsylvania and Georgia. More on that in the next piece to come. What Donald needs and what he gets are looking to be two different things.

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  1. in the UK, the Daily Fail is not a recognised verifiable news outlet, so much so even Wikipedia won’t accept it as a reference, owned by Jonathan Harmsworth, Viscount Rothermere. If DM is going against Traitor Tot, his goose is well and truly cooked, because Harmsworth is nothing if not ruthless about clicks

      • I should have pointed out that the Daily Wail reporter back then (during the Tan War of 1919 – 1921) did all his reporting from a pub in Holyhead which is the Welsh terminal for the Dublin ferry. He never set foot in Ireland the whole time

  2. This isn’t new for trump. The graft was the whole point of his dip into politics-for him, his family, and I would suppose anyone connected to his campaign and much of his administration. That this sort of thing doesn’t disgust his base is the worst of it. If anything screams “swamp” it’s this. They’re not very bright that base of his. Not bright at all.

  3. Yep…in America big penis equals great character and what women desire, along with a great big bank account. We are a ship of goddamn fools. Shallow self deluded privileged self important assholes. THAT’S WHY THIS PUSTULE HAS RULED OUR AIRWAYS AND POLITICS FOR A GODDAMN DECADE. Hey…I have an idea…grow the phuck up America…or perish! You won’t need a new phone, big truck, gun or lover on the other side of the grave. At least that’s my theory.

  4. Hey thumbs…instead of being chickenshit…why not refute my statement to SHOW I’m wrong. Everyone is a phucking hero sitting in anonymity. Let’s hear what YOU think. If you think this horror of a human being ruling our lives for a decade, appeared out of a rational, truth telling culture, that values social justice…then by all means PROVE IT. Of course you can’t which is why you do so little to show your disapproval. Where I’m from we call it cowardice. Truth tellers usually end up in jail, shot, or hung on a cross. I guess you’re not willing to soil your hands with that. Cue up the mighty thumb!


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