If it was almost anybody else on the planet, I’d feel sorry for them. But Trump’s campaign staff signed onto this death cruise of their own free will, and now, for the first time they’re discovering that the lifeboats have holes in the bottoms.
I’ve talked before about Trump not running a serious campaign. Well, let’s start with this. As we speak, Kamala Harris just wrapped up a rowdy rally with union members in Detroit, and is now enroute to Pittsburgh, where she’ll unite with her boss and mentor, Joe Biden for a combined rally. 64 days left until the election, and Traitor Tot is reclining at Mar-A-Slobo, bacon double cheeseburger in hand, listening to his arteries harden. And as of yet, his schedule for the first half of the week is what the campaign called fluid. Read that as Up sh*t creek.
But we are now on what?, Day 106 of the Trump-Arlington National Cemetery debacle for them? I can guarantee that’s what it feels like to the campaign. and what’s even worse is that it’s their own candidate that’s driving this death by 1000 paper cuts.
It never should have happened in the first place. Trump at a solemn ceremony is like having Andrew Dice Clay speak at a funeral, it’s automatically in incredibly poor taste. For Crissakes, Trump can’t stand still for five little minutes to get an endorsement without elbow blocking the speaker away from the podium. There is no way he couldn’t act out, he couldn’t resist.
By far the simplest thing to do in response to the incident would have been for the Trump campaign to release a simple statement, apologizing for the misunderstanding, and simply saying that Traitor tot was in a restricted area of the cemetery. Finis. But no. Not El Pendejo ex Presidente, he never f*cks anything up, and everybody else is suckers!
The campaign immediately came out with messaging claiming that they did nothing wrong, they complied with all rules, the employee who filed the complaint was a liar and obviously suffering from a mental episode. To put the sour cream on top of this sh*t sundae, they then released a digital campaign ad using the very footage they were forbidden to take.
If you’re a Washington reporter, the worst job you can get is as the Pentagon correspondent. Their briefings take about an hour, and they never say a goddamn thing. They’ll issue a No Comment in response to a question where the reporter has goddamn video confirming the story. These guys make the CIA look like a bunch of chatterboxes.
So you know that His Lowness must have really hit a nerve when the Pentagon felt compelled to release a statement confirming that Trump campaign staff initiated a physical altercation with cemetery staff, and engaged in unlawful activity that they were previously warned against. They confirmed that an incident report was filed with the cemetery MPs, but that the employee declined to press charges under fear of retribution.
Sweet Jesus, it doesn’t get any worse than this. Hell, even a dipsh*t hubby who went out drinking on the night his in-laws came over for dinner knows when to bail, and move to a buddy’s sofa for a week until things cool down.
But not Trump. Not in this life. The campaign just released a new digital ad, trying to blame Biden and Harris for implementing the agreement that Trump signed, and therefore being personally responsible for the deaths of the 13 soldiers. They reshowed the offending video, and in a truly classless gesture that is going to cost Trump votes, the sister-in-law of one of the fallen heroes angrily berated Harris for not picking up the phone to accept the invitation to the ceremony.
For their part, the White House and the Harris campaign are playing their part perfectly. Biden condemned Trump’s churlish behavior at Arlington, and Harris did the same. Both the White House as well as the Harris campaign have confirmed that they received no communication of any kind, phone call, text or e-mail requesting their presence at the ceremony. Now they’re doing exactly what they should do, which is nothing. After all, when an opponent is playing political Russian roulette with a fully loaded Glock, just step the hell back out of the way.
This can’t possibly be the campaign. They wouldn’t wish this misery upon themselves. This is nothing more than pure ego and petty vengeance from Trump to pay back the Arlington staff for calling him out. This story should have been over five days ago. But the Harris campaign doesn’t need to do a thing. Trump is going to keep this story alive as long as he’s pissed, and the more stupid sh*t he does, the more the media hammers him for it, and the more damage he does with the families of veterans, veterans, and active-duty service members. Very good boys, carry on.
I thank you for the privilege of your time.
As President Obama said, “please proceed”.