America’s got talent and we’re not talking about singing and dancing. We’re talking about raw comedic wit. Twitter is aflame today with a hashtag #Hilarious. When you click on it, you get a compilation of Donald Trump’s most ridiculous lines from the September 10 debate with Kamala Harris. Harris has asked for another debate but Team Trump says “no” and is spinning it as, “She lost so she wants another crack at it.” Nope. She won, bigly, as some people would say, and she wants an encore. But if she doesn’t get it, fine. No harm done. Trump could use a chance to prove himself again but it’s clear he won’t risk it, and when you look at these segments, you will understand why.

Poor Woofy the woozle. I don’t blame him from hiding from Donald Trump. I’ve had the same instinct myself, to go behind the sofa and see if the bad man on the TV goes away and he never does. But I expect that to change the first week of November.

*********WARNING. NOT SAFE FOR WORK*******************************

This is the funniest one minute of the debate. It’s well worth watching again to watch Trump’s expressions. They range from The Grinch That Stole Christmas to Raging Bull. Look at his face :40 in, where Harris says world leaders call Trump, “a disgrace.” I’m surprised he didn’t have a stroke then and there.

This is all going to mount to a crescendo as November 5 approaches. Harris had great debate prep and she has charisma and style. Trump had Laura Loomer and Tulsi Gabbard and it shows. He’s done. Stick a fork in him, or as they did in vaudeville, get a giant hook and drag his ass off the stage.

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  1. We do deserve a prez who is cognitively able to perform the job. trump proved he could not do the job. It truly is that simple and anyone who still thinks he should be prez again are simpletons.

  2. I just LOVE the fact that finally someone has stood up to Trump, stood right beside him, and told him directly what a piece of nasty, egomaniacal shit he is and what a failure he was as president, and that someone is a beautiful, intelligent and competent black woman.

  3. Trump: She seemed very familiar and was probably given the questions
    No, you bloated orange s**t-gibbon, it’s called knowing the material and being prepared. You should try it sometime.



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