Joe Biden made his fair share of gaffes, transposing one name for another, that sort of thing. But however Biden misspoke himself, he didn’t get the spirit of the occasion wrong. Ever. Donald Trump, on the other hand, believes that death is something to be “celebrated” as evidenced both by his thumbs up at Arlington Cemetery and by his comments during an interview Tuesday morning. He states that the parents of fallen soldiers asked him to come and celebrate the death of their children. Seriously. This is who he is. Hit this link and scroll down to hear his latest batshittery.
During an interview with influencer Lex Fridman that aired on Tuesday, Trump tried to explain why he spent so much time attacking Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.
“I think they’re nasty,” he said. “They came up with a story that I look down, and I call soldiers that died in World War I suckers, and losers, okay… It was a made-up story.”
“Like she lied on McDonald’s,” he continued. “She said that she worked at McDonald’s. It’s not a big lie, but it’s a big lie.”
This is how stupid Team Trump is. I doubt if McDonald’s keeps perfect employment records going back as far as when Kamala worked there. And why would she lie about such a thing? And who truly cares? This is desperate reaching to be harping on minutae like this.
Trump argued that criticizing him for using Arlington Cemetery in a campaign video was “one of the worst” attacks.
“I went to Arlington at the request of people that lost their children,” he explained. “And they asked me if I’d come and celebrate with them three years, three years. They died three years ago.”
“And I got there, and we had a beautiful time. I didn’t run away,” he continued. “And it was amazing. So I did it for them. I didn’t do it for me. I don’t need the publicity.”
A “beautiful time” at a cemetery. That’s unique. I’ve attended my fair share of funerals and memorial services and I would not categorize them as “beautiful times” but this is a damaged personality talking.
Trump did the appearance to push his latest conspiracy theory, that there was an “event” at Arlington, which a heartless Biden and Harris decided to blow off, but he, Kind King Donald, attended — even though it was inconvenient for him. There was no such event, except to the extent that Trump staged one. But don’t try to tell that to MAGA. They bought it hook, line, and sinker.
You've got the facts wrong. There was no event. There was no invitation to Biden or Harris. That's Trump lying so he can make them look bad. He went there to do a photo op and it blew up in his face. End of story.
— Ursula Faw (@ursulafaw56) September 3, 2024
This is a daily occurrence. Trump knows television and he knows how to spread disinformation like manure. Those are his *gifts.* And people believe him. This is our uphill battle not only now, this fall and this election, but going forward. Like a rat fouls all the grain in a silo, Trump has befouled American politics and it’s not going to bounce back to what it was.
Trump was not a temporary aberration and we’re not soon to return to the likes of Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, et al. No. Just like a pickle never goes back to being a cucumber, the GOP isn’t going back to its pre-Trump state. Ever. We don’t know what it will do but we do know it won’t do that.
The first step is for the Republican party to crash and burn. Then the intraparty civil war which is predicted post election will take place — or, maybe not. Maybe the GOP will decide that Trump will be their standard bearer in 2028, and then they can commit to losing a couple of more elections. We don’t know because they don’t know. And there won’t be a serious reckoning until the GOP figures out what direction it wants to go.
It’s losing Mitch McConnell as head of the Senate and your guess is as good as anyone will who replace him. Moses Mike Johnson will likely not be leading the House, even as its minority leader. But again, this is not set in stone, merely hypothesized.
Nothing is set in stone in GOP world other than all the chips are on Trump winning in November. When that doesn’t happen, then expect a massive fallout and who knows what will be what afterwards.
The question that isn’t being asked, and/or the fact that isn’t being pointed out is that Trump had his own people taking pictures and video! If he didn’t intend it to be a campaign thing, to get images and video he could put out there why have his own effing people recording it? That’s the question that should be put to Trump whenever a reporter gets the chance, and the point that should be noted every time someone talks about this disgraceful DISHONORING of our troops buried at Arlington. Also, much as I feel guilty about calling out a family member of one of the three soldiers killed at Abbey Gate the one who spent a fair amount of time on TV should have been pressed. She kept saying (and I might add on behalf of the other two families) that Harris and Biden had been invited too. Biden and Harris say no, no one reached out to them. One or the other is lying. Although not directly put on the spot it seems the lady making the claim she and others had “reached out” reporting is that she’s provided ZERO details as to exactly who she contacted or tried to contact. Or how. An email that might well have gone into a spam folder?
Frankly, it’s best that neither Biden or Harris was there at the same time Trump was. That would have been a shit show to end all shit shows. But you know what? I’ll bet there have been times when both President Biden and VP Harris have actually been quietly slipped out for a drive, and simply been driven in black, bullet resistant SUVs to Arlington late at night when the newsies were all focused on some story and largely ignoring them. No photographers or video. Just a drive through a hallowed place to remember why it’s so important to do their jobs. And it IS hallowed. I’ve been there lots of times and felt humbled every time. If life somehow changes and I can again travel I’d again make the time to stumble around (best I can do nowdays) Arlington.
In the last few days a whole lot of trump signs have been removed. The only one remaining are on die hard magat properties or clustered on street corners. But the signs that were on many peoples’ lawns are disappearing. Could it be because of the orange manace’s stunt at Arlington??? Signs in support of VP Harris are cropping up all over though. Very satisfying.
Trump probably had his ‘5th-column projectile’ in a pocket, that ‘stage-lacerated’ his stable genius facade, just in case he had a disingenuous
opportunity to ‘whip it out and put it on display’ during his contrived publicity and political stunt reasons for being at this cemetery.
He would NOT HAVE GONE if it had not been a photo op. We know that because that’s how he rolls.
I thought that graveside tributes were to commemorate – not celebrate the fact someone died.
Maybe he should check with one of his ‘English professors’ the next time he’s in England. Oh wait – he can’t go there cos he’s a convicted felon.
Too many Americans don’t give a rat’s ass about our history, the sacrifices OTHERS made, and the eternal grief left behind. If they did, they wouldn’t allow a stunt like this on holy ground, by a criminal traitor and serial rapist. I also can’t condone the employee not pressing charges…exactly what nazis want…to instill fear so you don’t hold them accountable. So why are you protecting those who defaced and desecrated those who faced enemy fire and were killed? Go sit at a desk. These fallen soldiers deserve someone with a commitment to do whatever is necessary to protect the ground they rest in. Allowing a punk like Trump to piss on their graves and memories means You failed Your duty. The nazis made Germany into a nation of cowardly killers. When you give into fear you help their cause. We are the home of the brave? Prove it.