Stop the presses. Oh wait, this is the internet. This is one of those moments where the old time newspapermen and women would have said, “This story leads. No matter what else is up there. Stop the presses.” Trump has actually praised Kamala Harris — for her looks. Last we knew she was still “dumb” and “will be a disaster” if elected, “start WWIII” all of that. But apparently Trump finds her attractive. He said to Elon Musk that Kamala had a picture on the cover of TIME Magazine and she looked like “the most beautiful actress.” Then he compared Kamala to his wife. (?!) Huh? You listen to the tape and tell me if you hear it, maybe I’m hallucinating.
Woow!! I didn't see that coming!!
— Ercy Oduor (@oduorm_ercy) August 13, 2024
It’s interesting that Trump is validating Harris’s looks while he calls her “a fucking bitch” in front of Barron in his golf cart and brays endlessly on the campaign trail what an awful candidate she is. Talk about mixed messages. Now this next one is Bizarro World. Trump wants to shut down the Department Of Education. That’s the substance of what you’ll hear. But he sounds drunk! He is slurring and his esses sound like s and h together. He does sound like Sylvester J. Puddytat.
"It'll be unbelievable" — Trump says one of his first acts will be to "close up the Department of Education" and cites states like Iowa and Idaho as examples of places that are doing well. Elon says he's making a good point.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 13, 2024
That’s Project 2025 that he’s endorsing, even though he claims he doesn’t know anything about it and finds it “too extreme.” Now this next one is nuts. Trump is claiming that he “saw things you don’t want to know about” in North Korea where Kim Jong Un is the “absolute boss.”
Trump on the next president: "We need a man … or person who's unbelievably sharp in order to stop all the nuclear dangers and all the dangers I'm talking about. You know, I got along with Kim Jong Un. We had dinner. We had … everything … he doesn't like Biden. He considers…
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 13, 2024
Disgusting. Alarming. Disturbing. All these things, plus it’s all slurred, which means what? Trump has dentures ready to fall out or he’s drugged? Or both. #TrumpIsDone trends for Day Four now. And he knows he’s going to lose. He suggests that Elon meet him for dinner in Venezuela.
Trump says he'll flee to Venezuela if he loses the election and invites Elon to visit him
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 13, 2024
A lot of Nazis went to Argentina, why not MAGAs going to Venezuela? Makes as much sense as anything else coming out of Trump’s mouth. And just by the by, Trump returning to Twitter has totally tanked Truth Social stock. Trump has capitulated to Musk and watch for Truth Social to go off the internet sooner rather than later.
The finances at Truth Social are not stable. It may stay online a little while for the true MAGA diehards but Trump posting on Twitter now and doing this interview with Musk tells you everything you need to know.
Well that was weird and Harris probably had a laugh over it. And some relief it didn’t get creepy by Trump comparing her to Ivanka. Harris has an innate inner beauty that shows on the outside. Melania is objectively speaking possessed of the right features to be attactive but inside she is cold and devoid of anything approaching beauty. That too radiates from people and Melania is about as desirable as a department store mannequin someone took the trouble to give a killer hairstyle and makeup job. But still a cold hunk of plastic.
Put Melania and Harris together on stage and play a good dance tune and watch them bust moves. Melania would stomp off in fury. It would be like back in the 70s when Michael Jackson made the mistake in some variety special he hosted of doing a song and dance number with Ben Vereen and Anne Reinking – two iconic Broadway performers and both trained professsional dancers. Jackson looked like a joke compared to those two and never made a mistake like that again. Whenever I’d hear people talk up Jackson’s dancing ability I couldn’t help but think of that variety show. And how two actual professionals showed him to be a rank amateur. Not even that if one wants to be brutally honest.
Oh well. One wonders again what the hell is rattling around in all that empty space in Trump’s head.
Last time I heard someone talk like that they were on meth. Dunno what Dr. Happy gave him, but it compares to a double espresso like a 2018 Bugatti compares to a 1969 VW Beetle.
Von shitzinpants did get one thing correct: V.P. Harris is a beautiful woman. A beautiful woman in the way many intelligent women are who take care of themselves. You can look in her eyes and find that spark of superior intelligence, the humor, the caring–all of which add to her beauty. When you look into von shitzi’s wife’s face you don’t really see any of that-merely a made-up mannequin.
Melania has a surface prettiness and that is all. As she grows older and surgery becomes less effective, and less attractive, she’ll lose that surface prettiness. Because she is such a miserable person nothing has been added to the inside so it will all be gone. V.P. Harris added much to her inner self/beauty so as she ages you’ll continue to see the intelligence, caring, humor, warmth–the things that make a person beautiful.
He’s just try to bolster his argument that she is not black. In his mind a black woman cannot be beautiful “like” Melenoma.
Kamala real. Natasha plastic. Trump foul.
Is it just me, or is his hair getting worse? It looks thinner and more transparent, like there’s less of it to go around.
When he turns all his personal belongings over to the Prison guards, (Including his highly abused cell phone), then heads to the strip search/debugging/haircut/shower down, his new nickname will be CUE BALL, even before he dons his new bright orange jumper and white “T” shirt …
Trump is so desperate for fame and fortune, and without his toy viral-broadcast-phone, he will not last very long … He may not even last a few days after admissions, so sad, the world’s biggest, loudest poor me, reduced to mouse squeaks in the corner — “SHOCKING”, reality star collapses in Prison reality gig …
Men have always beklittled and disempowered women by focusing on their looks, and when it souds like a compliment, that’s no exception. He’s just trying to trivialize her..
The only things that matter to.Trump about women are their measurements and their looks. For once he got something right: she IS beautiful. But I don’t think there will be any surprise faux lesbian photos lurking somewhere,,and she actually graduated from college and law school.