Let’s just take a quick peekie-see at what happened with the major political figures of both parties today. President Biden had a private, probably less than amicable pow-wow with Jewish fascist Bibi Netanyahu. before Bibi’s wounds had even scabbed over, it was on to a private meeting with VP Kamala Harris, who made it clear in a statement afterwards that she wants an end to the violence in Gaza. Then she flew to Houston to speak to, and accept the endorsement of the American Federation of Teachers, where she once again prosecuted the case against Traitor Tot.
And what about the aforementioned Traitor Tot? What did he do? Well, your guess is as good as mine. As Lawrence O’Donnell just pointed out on MSNBC, there’s no empirical evidence that the fat slob even got out of bed today. As Lawrence pointed out, his only public appearance was a rambling, disjointed phone in interview on FUX and Friends, which requires nothing more than dialing a phone.
Are you getting this? We’re 103 days before election day, the entire election cycle has just been turned on its ear in the last four days. Neither Traitor Tot nor his staff and campaign have the vaguest idea of how to deal with this new threat, and His Lowness is phoning in a Trumper tantrum, and phoning out for a KFC bucket. Apparently, if it moves faster than a golf cart, Il Douche is incapable of keeping up.
But the Trumpster Fire must be easy in his mind about all of this. Because he has his secret weapon, his newly minted VP wingman and fluffer JD Goober Vance is on the job. And isn’t that special? Just like Vance’s education and experience background. But he’s already hot on the trail out there, preaching the MAGA mantra. But I don’t think it’s going quite as the pocket Hitler had planned.
It turns out that JD Vance is a nightmare for Trump and the GOP. Vance has been the official GOP nominee for 10 whole days now, and what a set of stellar accomplishments he’s already racked up!
- It turns out that Vance is nobody’s idea of Vice Presidential material. His personality is that of a frat pledge that couldn’t pass the beer pong challenge. And his physical appearance is that of an animatronic dummy in Disney’s Hall of Vice Presidents, but with a Golly-Gee Gomer Pyle smile on his empty face
- As I’ve already reported, campaign and donors are already engaging in buyers remorse in choosing Vance in what they wistfully call a luxury pick. And tonight MSNBC is reporting that some GOP operatives and deep pocket donors are musing on whether or not it’s too late to replace Vance on the ticket with someone more moderate and palatable
- Vance is a nightmare on the stump. He is not a natural public speaker, normally restricting himself to talking to rooms full of other rich sh*tpoke robber barons. On stage, he maniacally nods his head up and down with a Slingblade smile on his face, like the water boy when the linebacker stuffs a used jockstrap over his head. He laughs at everything the audience says, even in the middle of a sentence, then loses his place, puts emphasis on the wrong words, and then steps on his own lines by talking over what little applause he gets
But worst of all, Vance is committing the cardinal sin in MAGA world. He is becoming the story, instead of Trump. And he’s not just doing it with his speaking deficiencies, he’s doing it by espousing far right theories having to do with women and reproductive rights that are too extreme for even Trump to endorse. Such as
- Vance was the first one, on the stump the day after Harris became the de facto nominee, to espouse the racist and sexist DEI argument, that Harris got where she did by affirmative action. This knucklehead notion has been slammed by everybody up to, and including GOP House Squeaker MAGA Mike Johnson
- He is espousing some lamebrain claptrap about how white men, and in some cases women who have children should have a greater say in democracy than those delusional fools who don’t subscribe to tying 22 years of their lives, and about a million dollars to raising a kid, since the linear family units have more to lose
- Then he goes full on batsh*t crazy by avowing that letting disgruntled and personally miserable libtards change their genders and sexual proclivities like they change their underwear is going to lead to the destruction of the nuclear family
- And follows that up by claiming that miserable leftist misfits like AOC, Pete Buttigieg, and Kamala Harris, you know, the childless ones?, will if given their way, reduce nuclear families to some second class status
Little wonder that insider GOP operatives and donors are desperate to find any way to get this lunatic off of the ballot. Kamala Harris can prosecute the pro choice battle the GOP so fears better than anybody else on either side. Add to that the fact that Vance supports a total nationwide abortion ban, wants to give states the right to demand confidential medical records across state lines to allow wingnut zealot prosecutors to prosecute their own citizens for something that isn’t even a crime in the state where the procedure took place, and wants IVF to go the way of the dookie bird nationally.
And here’s the McGuffin, and it’s a doozy. Vance isn’t actually saying anything that the bulk of the MAGA caucus, with Traitor Tot’s tacit silent approval has been saying all along. But when a GOP Senator or House member says it, he’s just one voice out of 535 voices, speaking to nothing but his state or district. But a Vice Presidential candidate speaks from a national stage, with national implications. It sets policy, and that can scare the sh*t out of people. Marry in haste, and repent in leisure. stand up and take a bow, FOOLS!
I thank you for the privilege of yhour time.
If anyone from the Lincon Project is reading this, or someone else with the production skills the theme of I cartoon I loved (bet you did too Murf), George of the Jungle could easily be modified to “Vance, Vance Vance of the MAGAs.” Trump scowling in the upper corner with a dialogue ballon of “Why did I pick THIS guy?” would make a nice touch.
Trump got talked into Vance at the last minute by Don Jr. and Peter Theil. Theil is richer than Trump and since New Zealand doesn’t want him (a lot of scandal on how he got citizenship there) he’s already at work trying to gain citizenship in Malta. So he has some space to avoid retribution. Don Jr. however is in a world of shit with his sperm donor. I’ll bet he’s totally paranoid about sneaking around to the hiding spots for his stash. And daddy has no doubt cut the hell out of his allowance making replenishment awfully difficult. It’s not like his bro Theil is going to want to be in the same zip code anytime soon, if ever again.
Come to think of it has anyone done a safety/welfare check on Junior? Trump might have him shut away in some closet somewhere, with someone tossing in a few sandwiches and a six pack of bottled water once a day. And getting tased every couple of days so he can’t try escaping when they change out his “waste” bucket.
Oops. Forgot to include the video link:
Don’t ruin my happy memories of a mostly nekkid Brendan Fraser by mentioning “George of the Jungle” in the same breath as J.D.Vance. I definitely do not want to envision doughy Goober in a very small towel.
“Neither Traitor Tot nor his staff and campaign have the vaguest idea of how to deal with this new threat.” — What I see them doing now is, they have turned Elise Stefanik loose on Kamala Harris, accusing her of all kinds of fictional crap about the border and illegal immigrants. Hakeem Jeffries called it “a fake and fraudulent resolution that lies about the vice president. She was never assigned the position of border czar. They’re making that up because extreme maga republicans are in extreme meltdown and reeling and don’t know what to do and lack an affirmative agenda. By the way, unlawful border crossing … is down to lower levels than what it was in the previous administration before the Biden administration tool office, not higher levels, lower levels.”
Attacking Kamala Harris hard, with total bullshit.
Actually, Donny didn’t have to expend energy to call Fox. Go to Contacts, and tap a button…..whew.