This has been brewing under the surface for a while now, and the importance of it is hard to overestimate. It all started with Trombie Super Shithead Steve Two Shirts Bannon, who started bellowing into his podcast for Loud Toys, Oath Kreepers, and 3% IQer’s to start running for local offices, especially in local election boards, to start mucking up the process.

This is a problem. It’s a problem basically because it’s hard to get the DNC to even pay attention to state races, much less county and local races. But the Trombies are paying attention, and they’ve already started running for and winning local offices in low interest, low turnout elections. A new GOP farm team for the future.

On the state level, the GOP is going all-in to get Trumptards elected to Attorney General and Secretary of State positions, where they can affect the actual counting and certification of future elections, most notably 2024.

We, just had our first test case of the GOP’s new theory, and it came a cropper for the GOP. In the New Mexico GOP primaries, there was a GOP county, with a 3-1 GOP dominated elections board that was not happy with the outcome. They refused to certify the election results. If that decision stood, then the end result would be that all of the GOP primary votes cast would be wiped from the record. The people would have had no say.

The GOP board members reasons for refusing to certify the election results was every bit as predictable as it was stupid. First, they said that they had doubts about the security and accuracy of the Dominion voting machines that the county uses, and two members said that they just had a feeling that there had been rampant voter fraud that skewed the election.

Yesterday, the Democratic New Mexico Secretary of State filed a case with the New Mexico state Supreme Court. And today the court came down with its ruling. They ordered the county to certify the results of the election. It turns out that you can be as Trumpy as you want to be, but America is still a nation based on the rule of law.

And that has to be a warning bell for the GOP. Because the GOP, in states that they control, have been going balls-to-the-wall to pass new laws that give the legislature the right to control election results. But the fact is that these laws, and their results are all subject to judicial review. And as court after court has shown recently, you can take nothing for granted.

But the GOP isn’t going through all of this shit for local and state elections, they’re looking at 2024. Which only introduces one more level of complexity for them. Because while local and state courts may or may not be kind to them, when you’re dealing with a national election, you’re dealing with a whole new breed of cat.

Because national elections are governed by national and Federal Election laws. Which opens up a whole new avenue for judicial review of local state laws. And considering the fact that the GOP seems to be having difficulty even passing state laws that help them to manipulate elections, knowing these fucktards, I’m not all that confident about their chances on the national stage. Remember that Traitor Tot went 0-68 in state and federal courts in 2020, including judges that he had appointed. The law still matters.

If I was advising President Biden, I’d tell him this. Nurse that gun control bill through congress, sign it, and take a victory lap. And then, Do a McConnell. Spend the next two years ramming through every progressive federal judge you can through the Senate. Because come November and December of 2024, they may well be the last bastion of democracy going forward. Just a word to the wise.


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  1. Dems have to control the senate for Biden to ram through judges. I actually think the repubs have done just about enough to ensure democrat control. walker in georgia and oz in pennsylvania look like losers. I think the burr seat might be in play as well as portman in Ohio. johnson in wisconsin squeeked by in 2016 the year of trump. Tammy baldwin showed that dems can win statewide. I don’t see any obvious pickups for republicans this cycle. I am optimistic as all races are local despite the headwinds of inflation that Biden is facing.

  2. This nation is one based on the rule of law for how long? The current bunch of political hacks on the nation’s S.C. are taking the “rule of law” and tossing it in the rubbish bin so they can usurp the duties of Legislative and the Executive Branches and make their own laws.

    By 2024 we’re likely to have a x-tian taliban in our country instead of a nation based on the “rule of law”. After the midterms, I seriously doubt President Biden will be able to ram through an order for the toilet paper holders to be refilled in the W.H. He’s not going to get ANY judges “rammed through”.

    Optimism is fine but optimism in the face of facts and/or likelihoods is just delusion.

    • Pessimism that falls into nihilism is anything BUT fine. It reminds me too much of the messages I used to get from the adults as a kid, on how I had nothing but a nuclear wasteland to look forward to. You hate the ugly possible–NOT guaranteed–future ahead of us that bad, do something about it. The Trump years more than proved how this kind of doomsaying is useless.

      “God damn you, don’t cheer me, FIGHT!” –General Phil Sheridan

  3. So it was a Democrat who saved New Mexico then. Had the Secretary of State been a Trumpler Repugnican, no such case would have been presented to the state’s supreme court. And the elections board would have successfully overturned an election to favour an unsuccessful Trump-endorsed candidate.

  4. If Biden ever did decide to act decisively, to follow (without breaking the law, or overthrowing the government) the hard ball tactics the the repubes have been using, i think his favorability index would soar.

    I think we are all sick to death of the insipid mamby-pamby attitude of the Dems.


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