The Gift That Keeps On Giving. Forever?


Oops, I did it again   Brittney Spears

Because he will never take the safe way, never admit to an error, never think before he speaks, never think anything through before he acts, and most of all because he will never shut up!, both myself as well as a whole lot of other people like to refer to El Pendejo Presidente as The gift that keeps on giving. But according to one senior GOP strategist, we may not even know the half of it yet.

A little earlier this evening, Kasie Hunt had veteran GOP strategists Matt Gorman and Michael Steele on Kasie DC. Kasie had run the chat through the current map, polling, and apparent difficulties facing GOP Senators up for reelection this year with Trump on the ballot. Then she moved on to the fact that Trump is already laying the groundwork for claiming in case he loses, and the possible embarrassment to the GOP if he refuses to concede. And that’s when Matt Gorman dropped a neutron bomb onto the set.

He told Kasie something like, Kasie, that doesn’t really bother me. Whether he admits defeat and leaves, or whether he has to be escorted onto Marine 1 by the Secret Service on January 20th, either way he is not going to go quietly into that good night. For me the real fun begins on January 21st, when we see what Trump does next.

Then he went into detail, and those details were cogent, intelligent, well thought out, and have to scare the living shit out of the GOP. His point was that Trump is an insecure national media whore, and even if he loses in November, will consider himself some sort of GOP elder statesman, or some such shit. Trump has already explored the option of starting up his own television network, and may in fact make that his platform. Or he could get his own show on FUX News, or at least be a frequent contributor. Or he could land at the Sinclair network. But wherever he lands, he will continue to tweet like 1000 bastard maniacs, and those tweets will be full of grievance.

Which brings us to 2022. Trump will have two years to fester, and he’ll be loaded for bear. Through tweets, and from whatever other platforms he’s using, he will be vicious in tearing into GOP Governors, Senators, and any surviving House members whom he feels were not sufficiently loyal to him. Two years after his demise, GOP candidates may be faced with the unpalatable choice of having to swear fealty to a deposed madman, just to gain access to his base. And if he’s still alive and kicking in 2024, what’s to say that Trump won’t at least threaten, if not follow through and run for his second term on the GOP ticket?

This is truly an apocalyptic scenario for The Lincoln Project, as well as the remnants of the traditional GOP that still exist out there. How do you begin to re-brand, retool, and rebuild when the disaster you’re trying to recover from is still plowing through the house like an 800 lb gorilla? It’s kind of hard to recover from cancer surgery when the damn doctor didn’t get the cancer out in the first place. Also senseless.

The real tipping point in this possible crisis will be the tenacity and loyalty of the Trump base. If Trump loses in November, then come January 21st, he can rant and rave and tweet all he wants, he’s out of the game. In a Democratic administration, his words will carry no import, and his antics no action. If Trump’s followers come to see him as a non entity in a new political world, then they may very well pack up their tents and go home.

On the other hand, if Trump instead turns around and declares a jihad on the mainstream GOP, then the GOP is fucked. After all, Trump supporters hate the Republican party, Trump brainwashed them all into thinking that the national party was trying to bring him down. If Trump convinces them that they can return him to power, and themselves to glory by fighting the GOP that betrayed them all, then they will be with him as long as he’s alive. And the GOP will be fighting them for as long as he’s alive.

I always knew that even if Trump lost in November, come 2021 he’d still be a filthy, foul mouthed, bigoted pain in the ass. But one can always console ones self with the knowledge that it’s nothing more than the disjointed sour grapes of a sore loser. But if Matt Gorman is right, then all bets are off. Because in 2021 and 2022, while the Democrats are pushing merrily away at a progressive agenda, especially if the Senate flips, the national GOP and its incumbents are going to be far too busy trying to fend off Trump to put up a unified front against the Democrats. And another Trump inspired debacle in 2022 could damn near strand the GOP in the wilderness forever. And here you thought that everything would go back to normal if Biden wins. For us maybe.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35S

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    • Quite likely…Buyt that won’t stop him from trying to fuck with the GOP…They WILL be the traitors in his wyws, just so long as it’s not HIUM…

      • It’s probably an even money proposition at this point, that he and his devil spawn will be in exile somewhere or on the run. Let’s hope he hets the Robert Vesco treatment from Pootie

        • I think it would be Himself taking Ivanka – he doesn’t care about the rest of them – and I wouldn’t want to bet that Ivanka would go willingly. (Jared might – he’s in debt to several countries.)

  1. The cowards could have thrown his ass in jail for 40 years if they didn’t want to be bothered by him. I thought I wanted him in jail, but if he just keeps on tormenting the Rethugs, I don’t know.

    • They should have voted to convict when they had the chance to do it and look good to their voters. Instead, they stuck themselves with Himself and Moscow Mitch.

    • Leave the “woulda, shoulda, coulda” for the GOP, folks. As Murf just made plain, their problems are going to be a lot harder to fix than the country’s. And the blame for such is solely on them.

  2. I would enjoy watching my Senators Hoeven and Cramer having to run for re-election in these conditions but I’m hoping trump will be in prison. I can’t see him running again in 2024. He’s old, unwell and has a very unhealthy lifestyle. His base is shrinking and will continue to do so due age, illness and the refusal to take precautions during the pandemic. I look forward to a time, after his trial, of never having to see or listen to him again.

  3. I personally call Trump “the gift that keeps on taking.” Putting a national party back together after 8 years of not-so-benign neglect followed by 4 years of being run by a madman (of the senile Don Draper variety) is bad enough. But to have to KEEP fighting him long after he’s stopped being everyone else’s problem will make it infinitely worse. BTW, I take that as a good scenario. While they’re eating each other in a cannibal holocaust, we might actually get something done.

  4. I love this — & it makes absolute sense that Trumpler would turn on the GOP when he loses. His downfall will be their fault, despite all their obsequious spittle-licking during his reign. Megalomaniacs always do that: Hitler demonised the German people for disappointing him by losing WW2. Never mind that he’d led them into it & his blunders caused the catastrophe. Thanks for this, I’m now looking forward to post-January 2021 for a whole new wonderful reason!


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