It was always a con, and it was always, always about branding. Going all the way back to 2016, Traitor Tot never even dreamed that he would win the presidency. But his gig in The Apprentice was over, and there was nothing on the horizon. Free air time and his fat face on network television for every rally he could schedule. And since Traitor Tot had Trump branded apparel, resorts, wine, steaks, and a magazine, it was a golden opportunity to elevate his branding, especially in the real estate business long term.

But it was always the same. While Trump might think that the Trump brand was golden, the products were always sh*t. Trump U crashed and burned in a fraud lawsuit, Trump charity suffered a similar fate, and the Trump steaks, Trump wine, and Trump magazine went the way of the Dooky bird.

It got even worse during his disastrous presidency. Not only did retail stores start removing Trump branded apparel and trinkets in backlash to his moronic racist drivel, they started removing his daughter Ivanka’s cheap knockoff sh*t too. Real estate prices at Trump branded condo’s and co-ops started tanking, and angry residents went to management demanding that the Trump name be removed, or they’d vacate en masse. It was a branding nightmare, and the drop in Trump’s value proved it.

And it’s been that way ever since. Trump’s branding has taken a hammering, and the civil fraud suits for fraud against the Trump organization as well as Trump personally have simply increased the bleeding. Throughout his faux presidency, and in the last three years since, Trump hasn’t branded sh*t.

And now, Traitor Tot is running for President again, and if you’re in it to win it, believe me, it’s a full time job, and then some. Granted, His Lowness thought that he could glide home on cruise control running against Biden, but then the Biden-Harris combo upset that applecart, and Trump was in a serious horserace against a woman he had no attack plan for. This sounds like a time for all-hands-on-deck.

But it’s not all-hands-on-deck for Il Douche and his campaign. In like the last 14 months we have had a literal fire hose of new, cheap, schlock, Trump branded sh*t. Let’s start with Trump branded digital trading cards selling at $1400 a set. Then on to Trump branded gym shoes, which I personally wouldn’t wear to the mailbox at $400 a pop. Then it was the announcement of his projected new online platform to sell Trump branded bitcoin. And now the ultimate if fatuous stupidity, a Trump branded bling wristwatch at a measly $100k. The last imbecile I know who tried that was Kanye West.

But here’s the McGuffin. In the real world it doesn’t work that way. Even if you’re El Pendejo ex Presidente, you don’t just wake up one morning and decide, Hey! I think I’ll slap my last name on a pair of sneakers and make a bundle. You have to find a manufacturer willing to make the shoes, you have to have a distribution network, you have to have advertising, and you have to exploit the marketplace, as any branding mogul would know.

And all of that takes time and attention. Which The Mango Messiah doesn’t have in the middle, and even closing stretch of a margin of error race. And Trump doesn’t just have one of these boondoggles going on, he’s trying to juggle like four of them. All of which take time and attention away from the main prize, the campaign. Now you know why he’s not hitting the road like a traditional candidate in the last 60 days.

All of which leads me to a conclusion I’ve been pondering over for a while now. While Trump the candidate may want only cheerful pixie dust and bullsh*t blown up his ass on polling, if the campaign is actually functional, has internal polling that is based on cold hard facts. And I believe that that honest internal polling shows that Traitor Tot is in the hurt locker. And I think that somebody high up in the campaign had to draw the short straw and explain to Trump with pretty graphics and a cartoon that he was likely tap-city.

Which is a nightmare scenario for The Cheeto Prophet. Because if he loses on November 5th, starting on November 5th there are no more hysterical five times a day mass text and e-mail blasts desperately fleecing the sheeple. And while he can use any leftover campaign funds for legitimate if nonsensical legal court challenges to the election results, and while he can still siphon funds from his Leadership PAC to pay his legal bills, there’s no way to replenish those resources. Announcing on November 7th that he’s running for President in 2028 will be drilling a dry hole.

And so, in desperation in the latter stages of a likely failed campaign, Traitor Tot is returning to his roots. Branding and the grift. Put your goddamned name on anything you can think of, hope like hell in the last 40 days that rich sh*tpoke donors will throw away $100,000 for a watch you can’t even get wet washing your hands or it will stop, and try to make as much as you can while you still have a personal left to sell in the election.

With Trump it has always been the con. His entire real estate company was a boiler room operation, and even his stint on The Apprentice was a long term con. Hell, it took him over a year to fire the US Ambassador to Ukraine when he was the President! He has finally been reduced to his basest roots, the business version of a three card monte table on a street corner in Manhattan. How the mighty have fallen.

Nota Bene Today Trump and his legal beagles appeared in the New York appellate court to argue that his civil fraud conviction should be overturned, since the law NY AG Tisha James charged him with was not intended for business fraud, only direct consumer fraud. This is highly likely to fail. But here’s the sugar for your reading coffee, or should I say covfefe? The verdict and penalties were handed down in June, if my memory serves me correctly, That makes it an official judgement of the court. And while Traitor Tot has been appealing, he has been accumulating an estimated $100,000 a day in interest on that judgement. By my feeble math, that means that His Lowness is now an additional $10 million in the hole if the appellate court rules against him. God, I love payback!

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. It amazes me that the same MAGAt asshats that are sniveling that a dozen eggs have gone up a dollar over the last seven years leaving them destitute and unable to feed their families can somehow come up with the coin to buy this assorted snake oil and shiny trinkets if not simply giving Lard-ass their life savings.



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