Trumpty Dumpty has a case of the blues. Literally. Life has turned out too blue for him, most certainly in the past 24 hours. Ho, boy, what a downer. And now everybody’s mad and blaming him, can you believe that? And they were all nothing before he came along?  And this was at a time when he was getting ready to rock and roll and really fleece the rubes.

Things didn’t turn out the way he planned, so Trumpty turned, as do we all, to friends for solace, when we’ve hit a bad patch of ground.

Here’s what that looks like.

Isn’t that touching?

And you can imagine the sting when he read this in return. Ho boy.

When you’re hot you’re hot and when you’re not, you’re not.

Melonoma is the last person he should have written.

He must be desperate.

And now Trump is getting really down to the bottom of the barrel.

Would you believe Lindseed and Teddums? Oh, noes.

Beneath the bottom of the barrel.

Green Eggs & Erections, blue states and elections. Potatoes, puh-tah-toes, let’s call the whole thing off. The whole thing meaning announcing your next run for the presidency, dimwit. If Trump’s got the sense that God gave a gopher, he’ll postpone saying anything about another run for a very very long time. Like 2023.

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  1. Memo to everyone who still thought Trump was a threat: freaking told you so. With Deathsantis poised to take the Orange Throne, even the Republicans want to move on from Mango Mussolini now. But it’s more than just a simple pulling of the plug. Look for a knockdown, drag-out fight to make him go away from the GOP. ESPECIALLY if Tubby DOES have dirt on his opposition.

  2. Felonious Fuckstump just ordered a new box of spittle covered crayons to scrawl an answer….. just as soon as he stops throwing ketchup bottles against the wall. How dare Vanky refuse to comfort him.

  3. The turkish shithead moron lost because an orange shithead moron threw his support behind him. Now, I don’t know that oz had any chance of winning against Mr. Fetterman but he had NO chance of winning with former guy’s “help”.

  4. I hear he’s planning to stay at Mar al Ego, despite the evac order. Can we hope that he loses to Nicole, but that the SS detail is safe?

    • Certainly my hopes…to a point. But I’ll settle for him losing his home as a prelude to losing everything he has left. Then he will have my permission to die.


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