(UPDATE: I knew better than to watch the video.  Just seeing the headline made my stomach turn but the subject of this article had the unmitigated, clueless GALL to say to some reporter with a camera “I have my life back.” What  The  F**K?  HIS life?  His miserable life after he HID from doing his duty while high schoolers and staffers were being shot?  What about THEIR lives, which this P.O.S. was too cowardly to try and save?  As I say below I hope every effing day for the rest of his life he gets shamed every time he steps out of the house!)

So Parkland, FL School Resource Officer Scot Peterson has just been found Not Guilty on all eleven charges.  I really, and I mean REALLY wish I could write this in the language I use in my daily life, or rather the daily life of back when I was a Marine grunt.  (My Company Gunny once heard me rip into someone and HE said he would have like to have me handy for reprimands he’d delivered in his past!)  To refresh everyone’s memory, this waste of human flesh was an armed LE guy assigned to provide a safe & secure learning environment – at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in FL.

As the shooter walked the halls murdering students and staff with his assault weapon, this “good guy with a gun” (as Katy Tur just noted on her show trying not to sound TOO sarcastic), a sworn LE officer mind you hid outside behind a column.  For FORTY f**king minutes!  It’s on video and there are multiple angles.  Even AFTER other LE arrived he didn’t go in!   In addition to a charge of perjury for lying to investigators he faced a mix of felonies and misdemeanors for child neglect and endangerment.  One legal analyst Tur had on say the relevant statutes didn’t exactly anticipate this scenario but I don’t buy it.

No, I’m not a lawyer much less one licensed in FL but when it’s your JOB to take action to protect students and staff from harm, even if it’s a risk to yourself then you have a DUTY to do your goddamned job!

Especially when it’s mostly kids you are supposed to be protecting.

His defense boiled down to him “not knowing where the shooter was.”  Really?  Everyone else sure as hell did!  But from where I sit that doesn’t matter.  He didn’t just have a gun, he also had a RADIO and could both receive updates from the dispatcher from calls coming from inside the school, listen to the shots, and report his movements as he looked for the murderer’s location to help backup in locating the guy!

Instead, he cowered OUTSIDE.  He said in an interview he’ll always be “haunted” by that day.  What he should be is HOUNDED as the f**king COWARD that he is!  Not to mention do time in prison for the neglect of the safety and lives of the kids who he was supposed to be serving and protecting.

I wanted to throw up watching the verdict and the aftermath.  All the hugs with his lawyer and I guess family and friends.  They are pieces of excrement too.  Some of the families of victims were in the courtroom, not shown on camera which begs the question of why the hell not?  If as reported they had little overt reaction and mostly just shook their heads why not show it?

As I watched, I was stunned and reached a new level of outrage.  There were family members of victims who’d been cleared out of the courtroom prior to the verdict for being “too emotional.”  I guess breaking down and crying because some cowardly piece of sh*t’s lawyers paint HIM as a sort of victim, one who couldn’t possibly have been expected to place himself at risk, you know, do his F**KING duty as a sworn law enforcement office and go into the school simply wouldn’t do.

I’ll guarantee you if I was a family member of one of the actual victims and knowing the cameras were rolling live and carrying it around the country I’d have used my considerable size to force my way into the picture and in language far too “colorful” to write here called this guy out for what he is.  And curse him and all those people hugging each other for their callousness, their utter indifference to the ACTUAL victims.  For being just as big a pieces of sh*t as that COWARD of a defendant!   Hell, if I was a Floridian and lived near there and had been in the courtroom I’d have done it even if I didn’t know a single victim or family member.

And if the judge shouted and banged his gavel and threatened me with contempt, called me out of order I’d have gone Al Pacino “YOUR’E out of order!  This whole trial is out of order! on his a$$.  Once upon a time I was a jarhead.  I could do a night in jail to say what I bet any decent American with an ounce of common sense and compassion would do if they could cuss like I can.

It is my fervent hope that wherever this guy, and his lawyer and family/friends who were all hugging each other in court, right in front of the parents of murdered children Peterson did NOTHING to prevent even though it was his job to try will find neighbors and acquaintances outside their homes and places of work with signs, and chants proclaiming SCOT PETERSON IS A COWARD!

Oh, and should this rant somehow come to Peterson’s attention and he’s all butt-hurt and want to sue me for defaming his “good name” go for it a$$hole.  I’m in forced early retirement, live month to month, don’t own a home and my 25 year old car sits in the parking lot because I can’t afford to get it fixed.  Good luck collecting anything but if you think I’m dragging  your name through the mud now I DARE to to take me on in court you p***y.

In the meantime, remember what I said about Katy Tur’s comment.  Whenever some gun fetishist trots out the “good guy with a gun” bullsh*t or talks about the need for (more) armed guards at school simply respond with “Sure.  Scot Peterson is exactly what will protect kids” or something to that effect.  Hell, pair it up with those cosplaying dudes in Uvalde too!  But Ms. Tur nailed it.

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    • Well, I beg to disagree. A weapon will make them brave but that’s ONLY if no one else has a weapon that could be used to threaten them back.

  1. Hmm. Well acts like one. Oops did not act like a LEO much less a person who had training so… he lacked the fortitude to act. Shoes. Eff that. Only a tough guy when someone else is not armed? Geesh. Go crawl in a hole next time… or better yet. Just quit. Let the next person take the shot.

  2. Joseph. I also beg to differ. You’re right about the circumstances, but that’s not bravery. It’s just a coward with a gun.


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