It’s no wonder to me that Fitch downrated the United States’ financial rating from AAA to AA+. And it would be no surprise if other entities in a position to do so did exactly the same. Our government has been an unstable mess. And make no mistake, if Donald Trump had gotten a second term, the havoc would be off the scales compared to what it is now. Right now, with the White House and Senate in Democratic hands, things are proceeding apace, and it’s only the marginally-ruled GOP House which is threaten to beach the ship of state.

Enter Congressman Jackson, another GOP luminary cut from the same bolt of cloth as Marge and Bobo. He vows to shut down the government. Hit this link and listen to Ronny rant. He claims the DOJ has “too much time and too much money on their hands,” and hence should be defunded. Maybe he should look at the guy in the mirror who meets that description.

Plus Ronny says that Kevin McCarthy’s ouster is “inevitable.”

Bannon wondered if conservative Republicans in the House would take steps to remove McCarthy if the government was not shut down.

“I’m gonna be honest with you I think that that is that’s inevitable if we continue to rely on the Democrats to pass these important — this is this important legislation coming out of the House,” Jackson opined.

Whoops, it came out. The House has to “rely on the Democrats” to pass anything important. Yes, we know that. Yes, the world knows it. And it is precisely this level of infantilism that the financial people on this planet see and they want no part of it.

And in Jackson’s case the immature personality is complicated by the fact that he reportedly drinks to excess. He was handcuffed at a rodeo and detained but not arrested. He also called the detaining officer a “f**king full on dick,” which is intriguing coming from a member of the Party Of Law and Order.

Make no mistake about the damage that an alcoholic member of Congress can do (and we’re not pronouncing Jackson an alcoholic, we’re not doctors here, but we are forming an opinion based on anecdotal evidence and photographs.) None other than Joseph McCarthy was a drunk. He died of cirrhosis of the liver. And before he did, he cobbled together an insane conspiracy theory that literally toppled peoples’ lives and caused many to be imprisoned. The man was a virtual juggernaut of ruination.

And no, he had no shame. And neither does Ronny Jackson. Jackson can talk the big talk but if you look in his eyes he looks beaten. He looks worn out. It’s time for him to employ the old adage, “physician, heal thyself.”

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  1. POS…too nice a description since sh*t is organic. He, like his comrades, is a vile creature, pretending to be a doctor & lawmaker. I’d be willing to bet if a black man had acted out with the police, the best case would be an arrest…more likely DOA.

  2. shoot this mother-f*cker. him and all his compadres. at least do something so we no longer have to listen to this kind of rampant stupidity ever again.


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