Donald Trump has a sadz because he had a very bad day. This female woman reporter person, who doesn’t know her job — her real job, which is to be ornamental and please men — kept bugging him about this swell doctor he found, who is a “big fan” of  hydroxychloroquine. And she doesn’t believe in wearing masks or any of that stuff. Donald though he might now have a chance to move those 68 million doses of the useless drug that he ordered up. Plus — can’t this dumb broad get it? It’s time to announce a cure for COVID-19, so Donald can take a victory lap and get reelected. And this doctor was going to help him. Now he’s screwed — again.

If you didn’t see it, Trump retweeted a video by “Dr.” Stella Immanuel, who is a pediatrician who believes “children need to be whipped,” and religious minister, who operates both her medical clinic and her church,”Firepower Ministries” out of a strip mall in Texas. She posted a video on Facebook, which went viral in a matter of hours and which was declared a must-see by Donald Trump, Jr. and then retweeted by Trump senior. The video touted hydroxychloroquine as a cure and dismissed the use of face masks. It was eventually taken down by Facebook for “sharing false information” about the virus, after racking up millions of views in a matter of hours. And Dr. Immanuel was not pleased. She threatened hellfire, while meanwhile Donald Trump was digging his own grave deeper. Daily Beast:

“Hello Facebook put back my profile page and videos up or your computers with start crashing till you do,” she tweeted late Monday night. “You are not bigger that God. I promise you. If my page is not back up face book will be down in Jesus name.”

The president also shared tweets attacking Fauci on Monday night, despite insisting recently that he had a “very good relationship” with the doctor after White House officials publicly blasted him.

At least one of the accounts the president retweeted on Monday night was from a follower of QAnon, the conspiracy theory that alleges a “deep state” cabal of pedophiles is plotting against Trump.

At last perusal, Immanuel’s page was still down and Mark Zuckerburg hadn’t turned into a frog or been struck by lightning and the same was true of his platform. Not questioning the power of the Almighty here, merely Immanuel’s ability to invoke same.

Twitter followed suit deleting Immanuel’s video. But not without the media taking a hard look into Immanuel’s other, pre-coronavirus medical claims, notably that the most common causes of medical problems in this country are sexual visitation by demons and alien DNA — and that was before the “White Coat Summit” where her speech went viral, even though she was being dragged from the podium, but Breitbart got it uploaded so Trump could retweet it anyway. (Just keep reading, even if you think you’re losing your mind. You’re not.) Daily Beast:

Immanuel, a pediatrician and a religious minister, has a history of making bizarre claims about medical topics and other issues. She has often claimed that gynecological problems like cysts and endometriosis are in fact caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches.

She alleges alien DNA is currently used in medical treatments, and that scientists are cooking up a vaccine to prevent people from being religious. And, despite appearing in Washington, D.C. to lobby Congress on Monday, she has said that the government is run in part not by humans but by “reptilians” and other aliens.

Now you’ve got an idea about this “doctor’s” mindset, so it won’t surprise you at all that she said this at the White Coat Summit. She needs to be taken away by people in white coats, not on stage wearing one herself.

“Nobody needs to get sick,” Immanuel said. “This virus has a cure.”

Immanuel said in her speech that the supposed potency of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment means that protective face masks aren’t necessary, claiming that she and her staff had avoided contracting COVID-19 despite wearing medical masks instead of the more secure N95 masks.

“Hello, you don’t need a mask. There is a cure,” Immanuel said.

Toward the end of Immanuel’s speech, the event’s organizer and other participants can be seen trying to get her away from the microphone. But footage of the speech captured by Breitbart was a hit online, becoming a top video on Facebook and amassing roughly 13 million views—significantly more than “Plandemic,” another coronavirus disinformation video that became a viral hit online in May, when it amassed roughly 8 million Facebook views.

“Hydroxychloroquine” trended on Twitter, as Immanuel’s video was embraced by the Trumps, conservative student group Turning Point USA, and pro-Trump personalities like Diamond & Silk. But both Facebook and Twitter eventually deleted videos of Immanuel’s speech from their sites, citing rules against COVID-19 disinformation. The deletions set off yet another round of complaints by conservatives of bias at the social-media platforms.

So now we get back to today’s presser in Washington, D.C., where Donald Trump’s efforts to set a new “tone” and take COVID-19 seriously — which for him means finding this whack a mole —  have totally fallen flat. That’s where CNN’s Kaitlin Collins entered the picture, asking Trump about his fruit-fly expert’s credentials. Trump briefly tried to waffle and then he gave up and stormed out. Alternet:

“The woman that you said is a ‘great doctor’ in that video that you retweeted last night said that masks don’t work and there’s a cure for COVID-19, both of which experts say is not true,” Collins told Trump during the evening briefing. “She’s also made videos saying that doctors make medicine using DNA from aliens and that they’re trying to make a vaccine to make you immune from becoming religious. So, what’s the logic in retweeting that?”

Trump shook his head and looked down.

“I can tell you this,” he said. “She was on air with many other doctors. They were big fans of hydroxychloroquine. And I thought she was very impressive in the sense that where she came — I don’t know what country she comes from — but she’s said that she’s had tremendous success with hundreds of different patients. And I thought her voice was an important voice, but I know nothing about her.”

Trump tried to move on to another reporter, but Collins had a follow-up. As she tried to cut in, he clearly grew annoyed. He decided to give up on getting a question from another reporter, said only, ‘Thank you very much, everybody,” and quickly left the room.

“I don’t know where she’s from. I don’t know anything about her. But she was saying something I wanted to hear and so she became my new BFF, because that’s how I do it. Okay?”

Fast forward to 25:02 and you’ll see this epic exchange and Trump heading for the exit, with Kayleigh McEnany in tow.

Meanwhile, I have concluded that Stella Immanuel should have her own show in a slot next to Alex Jones. The two of them are a match made in heaven — or maybe the Pleiades, who knows?

In her sermon, Immanuel offers a sort of demonology of “nephilim,” the biblical characters she claims exist as demonic spirits and lust after dream sex with humans, causing all matter of real health problems and financial ruin. Immanuel claims real-life ailments such as fibroid tumors and cysts stem from the demonic sperm after demon dream sex, an activity she claims affects “many women.”

“They turn into a woman and then they sleep with the man and collect his sperm,” Immanuel said in her sermon. “Then they turn into the man and they sleep with a man and deposit the sperm and reproduce more of themselves.”

According to Immanuel, people can tell if they have taken a demonic spirit husband or spirit wife if they have a sex dream about someone they know or a celebrity, wake up aroused, stop getting along with their real-world spouse, lose money, or generally experience any hardship.

This is presidential adviser material, folks. In the middle of a global pandemic, Donald Trump believes that this woman has answers. That’s all you need to know. Kakistocracy is defined as government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state. We have surely arrived now.



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      • tRump does not want to answer questions. There should never BE any questions because he is perfect and has all the answers. ?

  1. This whole thing made me wonder if maybe I’m a nephilim? Sheesh. Dream sex. And I just lost money because of COVID. Is there something to this after all? Besides she’s a reverend and who can argue with one of those…

  2. I looked at her storefront in the strip mall – the Google camera car went past it. “Fire Power Ministries Christian Resource Center – Prayer. Deliverance. Counseling. Bookstore. Print shop. Gifts n More”, and one of the visible racks has a sign “Witchcraft”. No sign of her clinic at all.

  3. He reacts to the truth like Dracula did upon seeing a cross, i.e., hiss, shield himself as he slunk into the shadows. Barr, on the other hand, struggling to understand the difference between ‘yes’ & ‘no’, sits like a cane toad exceeding poison oozing so nothing will dare touch it.

    • Excreting. God it’s too late to be playing flashbacks of him laughing about his lying about firing the Fed prosecutor.

  4. I love the way he goes on and on and then says “But I know nothing about her.” What an ignorant asshole he is. But you knew that.

    • He’s out of tricks. The coronavirus continues through states he can ill-afford to lose (see Texas). And his brain leaks out a little more every day while surrounded by fools with intact brains that are even sloppier than him. The end is nigh.

  5. “She was on air with many other doctors.”
    Soo Don John sees a lot of guys in white coats -Iwonder if he’ll realise that a white coat doesn’t make a doctor

    And they’re coming to take me away ha-haaa
    They’re coming to take me away ho-ho hee-hee ha-haaa
    To the funny farm
    Where life is beautiful all the time
    And I’ll be happy to see those nice young men
    In their clean white coats
    And they’re coming to take me away ha-haaa


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