I don’t get this. Rachel Maddow pointed out last night that there is no way that Trump would have annointed a far right, anti-immigrant, anti-abortion mental midget like JD Vance if he wasn’t supremely confident that it really didn’t matter who he nominated, the election was already in the bag. And I agree with Rachel.

Which is a dangerous assumption. While Trump leads Biden in almost every battleground state, in every poll I’ve seen Trump’s lead was within the margin of error. And there’s a reputable poll out there that shows Biden beating Traitor Tot by 2 points, and Kamala Harris beating him by 1 point. And while the Democrats are busy right now with their circular firing squad, sooner or later they’re going to get their sh*t together, and zero in on Traitor Tot. And when that happen’s, no matter who the candidate is, the polls are going to start to flip. Trump has a rock hard ceiling of 47.5%. The secret is for the Democrats to get their candidate over 48%. And when the base finally coalesces, that’s pretty much a no-brainer.

But His Lowness is so confident that he has this one in-the-bag that he nominated a running mate that is dead certain to chase away for all time the Hispanic, Black, and white suburban women’s vote. Knowing El Pendejo Presidente’s penchant for purely good news, I’m not at all so sure that the poll numbers he’s getting from his handlers aren’t palsied, with him comfortably ahead, just to save the minions from an ass chewing.

And if that overstuffed confidence is true, it begs the question. Why is the GOP already setting up the mechanics to f*ck up the vote certification at the state level? And that’s exactly what they’re doing. The media is already reporting on GOP controlled county election boards screwing around with officially certifying local election results.

The most blatant took place in, I believe in Arizona, where a moderate GOP candidate won her election to the board, and then refused to certify the results of the election. This led the AZ Attorney General to file a suit with the AZ Supreme Court to order the county board to certify the election results.

Look, this is supposed to be a no-brainer. The county, and even state election boards are basically supposed to be a formality, as ceremonial as the Vice President’s role in counting the electoral votes. They get the results from the precincts, and barring any legitimate claims of irregularities, they certify the results. That’s it. Hit the links boys and girls.

But that’s the GOP legal battle plan for 2024. If they lose in a critical county or state where they have control of the election board, the board simply refuses to certify the results, even without a legitimate reason to do so.

The reasoning is as simple as it is world class scumbag. If a county or counties in a state refuse to certify their election results, then the state can’t certify the election results. And there’s a drop dead time limit on that. Every state must certify their vote results and assign their electoral delegates in time for the congress to certify the electoral college results on January 6th. Anything that would delay the congressional certification would throw the entire process into a constitutional crisis that would end up before the Supreme Court.

Which again begs the question, why? If Melania is already measuring the Oval Office drapes for gaudy gold, why go through all of this bullsh*t? My guess is that while The Cheeto Prophet is cruising along on his delusions of grandeur, some more sane, earth based RNC strategists aren’t at all sure that this is in the bag, regardless of who the Democratic opponent is. And they’re hedging their bets.

As usual, every time the GOP tries to get sneaky, they step on their cranks. With golf cleats. In trying to test run their strategy, they tipped off the Democrats and voting rights groups, who are promptly on their hind legs to oppose every attempt. And the law is on their side. In almost every state certifying the election results is a purely ceremonial act. By jumping the gun with a test drive, they opened the door for legal redress before the election. If they had just laid low until after the electoral results were known, they could have set up court fights that ran the clock and set up a constitutional crisis ending up in the lap of the far right Roberts court.

We have met the enemy, and they are dumb. If there is a salvation of the concept of American democracy, it’s the fact that the GOP is too pompously, arrogantly dirt stupid to know how to work under the radar. Don’t touch that dial.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. “If Trump Is A Lock To Win, WHY Is The GOP Setting Up The Mechanics To Cheat?”
    Maybe because cheating is Trump’s default method of winning.

    • If it comes down to.a choice between lying even if it hurts his appeal with independents while impressing his cultiists and telling the truth that *may* get him the necessary .5% of the vote he needs to win but aren’t greeted with orgasmic applause fro..his MAGA morons, Trump.falls back to lying. It is who he is.

  2. AOC on Instagram, just dropped her latest. GO there & listen! Jeezus, Mary & Joseph, I didn’t think this could get any more WORRISOME, than it is right now! I believe a lot of BS is going on, we do know that! AOC has now told us, it can get a lot worse if Biden QUITS, because whoever is pushing this crap, wants Harris gone too! Think about that for a moment! We know this is RW inspired chaos, to STOP Biden from running & it’s because they don’t want HARRIS to ever be in charge of America! Bottom line. HOLY HELL, what are we going to do? We can’t let the Corp’1% Capitalists WIN & they don’t care whose President, as long as the RICH KEEP the POWER!

  3. Well, the mental.midget part wouldn’t bother him or his worshippers. And Vance is technically rural and Christian and they can overlook the Yale law degree and writing a bestseller if they downplay it and push being dirt poor in Kentucky. The GOP.is fond of ignoring inconvenient truths. Trump’s base don’t read but it is possible some of the others. do.


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